
发布 2022-12-12 03:37:28 阅读 7231

unit 1

section a

1.询问频度how often

2.做眼保健操do eye exercises

3.做早操do morning exercises

4.做数学题do math exercises

5.做运动exercise\do \take exercise

6.你周末通常做什么? what do you usually do on weekends?

7.去看电影go to a move\ go to the movies\go to see a movie

8.读书read a book ead books\do some reading

9.踩滑板skateboard\ go skateboarding

10.购物shop\ go shopping

11.几乎不hardly ever

12.频率副词在句中的位置: 实意动词之前,be动词、助动词、情态动词之前。

13.每一天every day

14.一周一次once a week

15.一月一次twice a moth

16.一年三次three times a year

17.网上冲浪surf the internet

18.你最喜欢的节目: your f**orite program

19.你哥哥最喜欢的电影: your brother’s f**orite movie

20.动物世界animal world

21.大部分的学生: most students\most of the students

22.我大部分的朋友: most of my friends

大部分的书: most of lucy’s books

24.大部分的时间: most of the time

25.这是here is\are ……

26. …的结果: the result(s) of\for

27.学生的活动调查: the students activity survey

28.在格林高中at green high school

29.一两次once or twice

30.两三次two or three times

31.三四次three or four times

32.非常积极be very active

33.至于(及用法): as for 后跟名词\动词ing\代词的宾格。

34.(sb)对……感兴趣: be interested in

35你多久读一次英语书? how often do you read english books?

36.大约一周两次about \around twice a week

section b

37.喝牛奶drink milk

38.一些饮料some drink

39想要某物want sth

40.想要做某事want to do sth

41.想某人(不)做某事: want sb (not) to do sth

42.她说它有利于我的健康: she says it’s good for my health

43.对……有好处be good for ……

44.对……有坏处be bad for……

45.擅长(及用法be good at\do well in 后跟名词\动词ing

46.吃蔬菜(拼写eat vegetables

47.吃水果eat fruit

48.多少小时how many hours

49.每天晚上every night

50.吃垃圾食品eat junk food

51.喝咖啡drink coffee

52.多少(及区别): how many 提问可数名词的数量后跟可数名词的复数how much 提问价钱(how much+be+名词)\提问不可数名词的数量

53.一个漂亮的女孩子: a pretty\beautiful girl

54.相当健康pretty healthy

55.放学回家come home from school

56我的饮食习惯my eating habit(s)

57.我哥哥的睡觉习惯: my brother’s sleeping habit(s)

58.设法做某事try to do sth

59.尽力做某事try one’s best to do sth

60.试着吃大量的蔬菜: try to eat a lot of vegetables

61.所以你知道so you see!

62.照顾我的健康look after my health\take care of my health

63.我的健康的生活方式: my healthy lifestyle

64.帮助我取得好成绩: help me (to) get good grades

65.好的食物和锻炼: good food and exercise

66.帮助我学习的更好: help me to study better

67.帮助某人做某事: help sb (to)do sth\help sb with sth

68.看起来一样look the same

69.和……相同the same as

70.和……不同be different from

71区别是什么what’s the difference\what’re the differences?

72.我的自行车和他的一样: my bike is the same as hers.

i h**e the same bike as her.

73.和某人一样的某物: the same+名词+as+sb(宾格)

74各种各样的活动(拼写) all kinds of activities

75.不同种类的书本: different kinds of books

76.许多种树many kinds of trees

77.一种\这种\那种: a kind of\this kind of\that kind of

78.有点不健康a little\bit unhealthy = a little bit unhealthy =kind of unhealthy

79.那个男孩也许是个学生: maybe that boy is a student.

that boy may be a student.

和may be 的区别: maybe是副词一般位于句首或实意动词之前 may be放于句中。

81.虽然(及用法although=though 不能与but连用。

82我每天晚上睡9个小时: i sleep for nine hours every night.

83.你做过什么运动: what sport(s) do you play?

84.起床get up

85和她一起打乒乓球: play ping-pong with her

86.身体健康keep in good health = be in good health = stay in good health = keep healthy = be healthy=stay healthy

87.身体不健康be in bad health = be unhealthy

88.吃更少的肉eat less meat

89.有个好的生活方式: h**e a good lifestyle

90.因为他天天做运动: because he does exercise every day.


section a

1. 怎么了what’s the matter?

whatiswrong你怎么了what’s the matter with you?

what’s wrong with you?


4.出差。6.把某物给某人看。8.几百万。11.超过,多于。12.对某人来说,做某事很难 容易 重要。13.比起b更喜欢a m41.到达。2.与 相处融恰。3.听说。4.事实上。5.退学。6.几年前。7.在 的帮助下。8.由于。9.停止做某事。10.停下 手中事 去做另一件事。11.参加。12.照顾...


unit 1在乡村 在农村人。灭绝 消失在 的最后了解到。去散步破开 破裂大的景点。在干燥的气候中地某人而言重要攀登。unit 2下国际象棋玩纸牌游戏 打牌很早以前。向 某人 挑战赢得比赛一粒大米。剩余部分命令某人做某事等等。得到一件奖品无疑 肯定听从某人的意见。从那时起全年抄写 誊写。首先发展成为...


初中英语语法词组大全 1 ele t sp 欢迎到 2ele here 欢迎到这儿。3ele there 欢迎到那儿 4ele he 欢迎到家里。be ging t d sth 打算做 6h e fun ding sth 愉快地做 7all ne s nae 点名。8it desn t atter ...