
发布 2022-12-16 07:04:28 阅读 3465


unit 1 playing sports topic 1 i am going to play basketball.

during the summer holidays 在暑假期间cheer sb. on为某人加油。

prefer doing sth/prefer to do sth/prefer sth 更喜欢做某事。

go skating/skiing/cycling/mountain climbing/fishing去滑雪/滑冰/骑车/爬山/钓鱼。

arrive in/at=get to=reach到达play against…与……对抗/较量。

play baseball/ football/basketball/table tennis/tennis /volleyball


le**e for…动身去… grow up 成长,长大in the future 在将来。

take part in =join in参加be popular with sb受某人的欢迎。

be good at=do well in 善于做某事all over the world全世界。

be good for 对……有益keep fit/healthy保持健康。

h**e breakfast/lunch/supper/dinner吃早餐/午饭/晚餐/晚餐。

what are you going to be when you grow up? 长大后你想做什么?

i am going to be a scientist.我想成为一名科学家。

what’s your f**orite sport? 你最喜爱的运动是什么?

which do you prefer, swimming or rowing? 游泳和划船,哪一样你更喜欢?

i prefer rowing.我更喜欢划船。

she is good at jumping.她擅长于跳跃。

she spends half an hour exercising in the gym.她花了半个小时在体育馆锻炼。

there is going to be a school sports meet next weekend.下周末将有一次校运会。

topic 2 we should learn teamwork.

do me a f**or=give me a hand=help me帮助我 follow/obey the rules遵守规则。

h**e a soccer game进行一场足球赛fall ill /be ill病倒了。

right away = at once立刻;马上do one’s best=try one’s bes 尽某人的力。

say sorry to sb/say goodbye to/say thanks to/say hello to/say no to


be sure to do sth. 确定做某事be angry with sb. 生某人的气。

shout at sb 向某人大声叫喊fight with sb 跟某人打架。

finish doing sth 完成某事talk about sb/sth 讨论某事或某人。

pass sb sth=pass sth to sb传递某人某物=把某物传递给某人。

at first =at the beginning起初,开始 at last = in the end =finally最后。

come into being 形成for example 例如。

could you help me, please?=could you give me a hand, please?请帮帮我,好吗?

one of my teammates fell ill yesterday.昨天,我的其中一个队友生病了。

would you mind doing sth?(我)做…你介意吗?

would you mind (not)doing sth?别做…你介意吗?

would you mind teaching me? 你介意教教我吗?

not at all.可以,不用客气。(更多类似的句子详看书本10页练习b)

what about saying sorry to michael? 向michael道歉,好不好?

i’m sorry for what i said.我为我所说的话道歉。

keep trying! 继续努力!

you are sure to enjoy playing this popular sport.你一定喜欢这项受欢迎的运动。

it has a history of over a century.它有一百多年的历史。

basketball is both an indoor and outdoor game.篮球既是一项室内运动也是室外运动。

topic3 the school sports meet is coming.

shall i do sth….?shall we do sth….?我做…好吗?/我们做…好吗?

what about doing sth? =how about doing sth?做…怎么样?;做…好不好?

why not do sth?= why don’t you do sth?为什么不做某事?为什么你不做某事?

at the theater在剧场the winner of…,…的获胜者。

catch up with sb = keep up with sb赶上某人,追上某人。

cross the first line 过了终点线a symbol of … 一种……的象征。

every four years每四年;每隔三年do morning exercises做早操。

stand for 代表 for the first time 首次,第一次at least 至少。

do badly in =be weak in 在某方面做的不好 be able to do sth 有能力做事。

which sports will you take part in ? 你将参加什么项目?

i will take part in the long jump.我将参加跳远。

the school sport meet is coming tomorrow.明天校运动会就要来了。

let’s make it half past six.让我们把时间确定在六点半。

unit 2 keeping healthy topic 1 you should see a dentist.

h**e a (bad/terrible) cold或catch a(bad/terrible) cold 患(重)感冒。

see a dentist/doctor 看牙医/医生h**e a cough/fever患咳嗽/发高烧。

h**e the flu得了流感 h**e sore eyes眼睛发炎 h**e a sore throat 喉咙痛。

h**e a toothache/headache/backache/stomachache/earache


take/h**e a good rest好好休息had better (not) do sth.最好(不)做。

take sw带某人去某地take some medicine/take some pills吃药。

three times a day一天三次day and night 日日夜夜。

lie down躺下hot tea with honey 加蜜的热茶。

brush one’s teeth 刷牙send 送某人

not…until…直到……才plenty of…充足;大量。

worry about sb/sth.担心某人或某事get well 恢复健康。

what’s wrong with you? =what’s the matter with you ? 你有什么事?

i h**e a toothache.我牙痛。

i am sorry to hear that.我感到很抱歉。


仁爱版九年级英语上册词汇及短语汇总 完整版 unit 1 topic 1 1.social 社会的。2.granny 奶奶。3.quick 快速的 4.already 已经。5.progress 进展。6.succeed 成功。7.describe 描述。8.education 教育。9.chair...


起脚便是长安道,西风瘦马伴君行。第一学期八年级上学期英语期末试卷unit 1 topic 1 during the summer holidays在暑假期间between and 在两者之间cheer sb.on为某人加油prefer doing sth.更喜欢做某事quite a bit a lo...


1 cheer sb on 为某人加油 2 be going to do sth 打算或准备做某事 3 see sb do sth 看见某人做某事 4 see sb doing sth 看至某人正做某事 5 prefer n.doing to n.doing 和 相比更喜欢 6 quite a bi...