
发布 2022-12-16 07:03:28 阅读 9520


unit1 sports and games

topic1 are you going to play basketball

sth “看见某人做了某事” 强调动作的全过程,常与every day; often等连用。

see sb. doing sth.“看见某人正在做某事”强调动作正在进行。

eg:i saw you play basketball almost everyday during the summer holidays.

i often see him draw pictures near the river.我常看见她在河边画画。

i saw her go across the street. 我看见她过了马路

i saw her going across the street. 我看见她正在过马路。




take part in 表示“参加/出席某个活动”

如:will you join us?

i will join the skiing club.

she is planning to take part in the high jump.


eg:she prefers fish to meat.

she prefers playing the piano to playing the guitar.

in+大地点arrive at+小地点 get to+地点=reach+地点

如:my uncle arrived in beijing yesterday.

i arrived at the great wall.=i got to the great wall.=i reached the great wall.

注意:reach here/there/home=get here/there/home=arrive here/there/home

离开…… le**e for…动身去…/离开到…

如:they are le**ing beijing tomorrow. 明天他们要离开北京。

they are le**ing for japan the day after tomorrow. 后天他们要前往日本。

few “几个;一些” 修饰可数名词 a little “一点点” 修饰不数名词

如: there are a few eggs in the basket.

there is a little water in the bottle.

long 表示“多久(时间)”;提问时间段。 how often 表示 “多常; 多久一次”; 提问时间的频率。

如: they will stay in beijing for a week. →how long will they stay in beijing

he plays basketball twice a week. →how often does he play basketball

8..be good at (doing) sth. =do well in (doing) sth. 擅长于(做)某事

如: she is good at (playing) baseball. =she does well in (playing) baseball.

9..make sth/sb + adj. 使某物(某人)在某种状态

keep …sth/sb + adj. 保持某物(某人)在某种状态

如: playing soccer can make your body strong.

swimming can help to keep your heart and lungs healthy.

重点语法 一般将来时:

一)be going to 结构: ①表示主语进行某一将来行动的打算、意图。这种打算常经过预先考虑并含有自己做好某些准备的意思,因此通常认为用be going to表达的行动很可能会见诸实践。

如:i’m going to play basketball with my classmates this sunday.


she is going to buy a sweater for her mother.



如:look at those clouds. it’s going to rain. 瞧那些乌云!快要下雨了!

二) will + 动词原形:表示单纯的将来事实,常与表将来的时间状语如:tomorrow, soon, later, next time(week/month/year…)等连用。

will not = won’t; 缩略形式为’ll.


如:a. -please put your things away, tom. 汤姆,把你的东西收拾好。

---i’m sorry. i’ll do it right away. 对不起。我马上就去做。

b. -would you like coffee or tea 您要咖啡还是茶?

i will h**e a cup of tea,please. 我要一杯茶。

c. don’t worry. i’ll help you. 别担心。我会帮你的。


如: i’m sure our team will win next time. 我确信下次我们队会赢。

maybe she will go to the gym. 也许她会去体育馆。

表示许诺。如: i’ll do better next time. 下次我会做得更好的。

i’ll visit you tomorrow. 明天我会去看你的。

句式:肯定句:i/she/he/they will go to play baseball soon.

否定句:i/she/he/they won’t go to play baseball soon.

一般疑问句:will you/she/he/they go to play baseball soon

回答:yes, i/she/he/they will. no, i/she /he/they won’t.

三)动词plan, come, go, le**e, fly等用现在进行时表示将要发生的事。

如: i’m coming. 我就来。

he is le**ing for shanghai. 他将到上海去。

we are going to beijing. 我们将去北京。

topic 2 would you mind teaching me

与 sick 都表示 “生病的”, 只能作表语而既可作表语也可作定语。

如: the man is ill/sick. 那个男人病了。 (作表语)

he is a sick man. 他是个病人。 (作定语)

you mind (not) doing sth 表示 “(不)做某事介意/好吗 ”

如: would you mind coming and checking it 来修理它好吗

would you mind not smoking here 不要在这儿吸烟好/介意吗

3. one of + 名词复数表示 “其中之一……”主语是one,表单数。谓语动词用单数。

如: one of my teammates is strong and tall. 其中我的一个队友又高又壮。

4. miss “错过,思念,遗失”

如: i missed the last bus yesterday. 昨天我错过最后一班车。

he missed his mother. 他想念他的母亲。

my god! i missed(=lost) my key. 天啊! 我把钥匙弄丢了。

5. do one’s best 尽某人的最大努力 = try one’s best

we do our best to finish the task.

6. be sure to do sth. =be sure that + 句子 “确定做某事”

如: we are sure to win next time. =we are sure that we will win next time.


7. be sorry for… “为某事抱歉”

be sorry to do sth. =be sorry (that) +句子 “很抱歉做了某事”

如: i am very sorry for what i said. 我为我所说的话感到抱歉。

i’m sorry i lost your book. =i’m sorry to lose your book.很抱歉弄丢你的书。


每周三天每次10分钟 1个单元 错误个数。unit 1 topic 1 在 期间prep 对着 反对prep 对组n获胜,赢得v 加油,欢呼,喝彩v 欢呼声,喝彩声n 为 加油。足球运动 足球 橄榄球n 联系,实践n 更喜欢,宁愿 选择 v 划 船 v一排 一行n 相当,很,十分adv 加入,参加,...


1.为。加油 cheer on 2.比起。更喜欢做。prefer to 3.成长,长大 grow up 4.未来,今后 in the future 5.放弃 give up sth doing sth 6.参加 活动 take part in 7.参加划船俱乐部 join the rowing cl...


本教材共有四个单元,每个单元有3个话题,每个话题又分为a,b,c,d四个部分。unit 1的三个话题围绕运动与游戏展开,第一话题描述和谈论了一些体育运动项目,介绍了自己最喜欢的体育明星以及自己梦想的职业。其主要语法是一般将来时 be going to 动词原形。第二话题通过篮球的起源引出本话题的重点...