八年级 上册 词组

发布 2022-12-22 09:29:28 阅读 9596


unit 1 how often do you exercise? (学习问频率及回答)

section a

1、多久一次how often

2、去踩滑板go skateboarding

3、几乎不hardly ever

4、在周末on weekends

5、一周一次once a week

8、上网,在网上冲浪 surf the internet

9、最爱的节目f**ourite program

10、这儿是here is/are

11、…的结果the result(s) of

12、至于… ;关于… as for…

13、在格林高中 at green high school

14、一个星期一两次 once or twice a week

15、一年三四次 three or four times a year

section b

1、垃圾食品junk food

2、想要某人做某事 want sb to do sth

3、对…有益/好处 be good for…

4、和…一样the same as…

5、照看、照顾look after = take care of

6、饮食习惯eating habits

7、健康的生活方式 healthy lifestyle

8、取得高分/好成绩 get good grades

9、努力做某事;尽力做某事 try to do sth

10、有点不健康kind of unhealthy

11、保持健康keep in good health

keep healthy

12、相当健康pretty healthy

13、与…不同be different from…

unit 2 what's the matter?


section a

1、提(一些)建议 give ( some) advice

2、感冒h**e a cold

3、发烧h**e a fever

4、(患)头痛 h**e a headache

5、胃痛h**e a stomachache

6、牙痛h**e a toothache

7、咳嗽h**e a cough

8、喉咙痛h**e a sore throat

9、背部酸痛 h**e a sore back

10、(好好)休息 h**e a (good) rest

11、躺下并休息 lie down and rest

12、带有蜂蜜的热茶 hot tea with honey

13、看牙医see a dentist

14、喝大量的水 drink a lot of water

15、感觉更好 feel better


what's the matter with (sb.)?


i'm not feeling well.

section b

1、有压力、紧张的 be/get stressed out

2、解决问题 solve the problem

3、传统的中国医生 traditional chinese doctor (s)

4、例如for example

5、中药chinese medicine

6、西方国家 western countries

7、几个晚上 a few nights

8、保持健康 stay healthy

9、此刻at the moment

10、寄宿家庭 host family

11、头痛得厉害 h**e lots of/a lot of headaches

12、阴和阳的平衡 a balance of yin and yang

13、均衡饮食 (h**e) a balanced diet

unit 3 what are you doing for vacation?


section a

1、照顾她妹妹 babysit her sister

2、去野营 go camping

3、去远足 go hiking

4、多久how long

5、回来…(某地)get back to…


spend time with friends

7、在家休息 relax at home

section b

1、去沙滩 go to the beach

2、逗留一个星期 stay for a week

3、去参加夏令营 go to summer camp

4、去骑单车郊游 go bike riding

5、去观光游览 go sightseeing

6、租录+像带 rent videos

7、因…而出名 be famous for…

8、去度假 take a vacation

9、听起来很好 sound good/nice/great

10、假期计划 vacation plans

11、计划去做某事 plan to do sth

12、作计划 make a plan


on the evening of february 14th


send me a postcard

send a postcard to me

15、散步take walks/a walk

16、考虑think about

17、决定做某事 decide to do sth

18、完成做… finish doing sth

19、拍完电影 finish ****** the movie

20、离开去北京 le**e for beijing


le**e from…(出发地)


decide on…(sth/doing sth)


八年级上册词组unit 1 how often do you exercise often多久一次 weekends每逢周末 for至于,关于 to the movies去看电影 food垃圾食品 shopping去够物 lot of大量。许多 ever几乎从不 course当然 the times...


4.出差。6.把某物给某人看。8.几百万。11.超过,多于。12.对某人来说,做某事很难 容易 重要。13.比起b更喜欢a m41.到达。2.与 相处融恰。3.听说。4.事实上。5.退学。6.几年前。7.在 的帮助下。8.由于。9.停止做某事。10.停下 手中事 去做另一件事。11.参加。12.照顾...


unit 1 section a 1.询问频度how often 2.做眼保健操do eye exercises 3.做早操do morning exercises 4.做数学题do math exercises 5.做运动exercise do take exercise 6.你周末通常做什么?w...