
发布 2022-11-03 01:16:28 阅读 8586

八年级上册词组unit 1 how often do you exercise ?

often多久一次 weekends每逢周末 for至于,关于 to the movies去看电影 food垃圾食品 shopping去够物 lot of大量。许多 ever几乎从不 course当然 the times总是 after照顾 the times有时 often多久一次some times几次how many/much多少how long多长how soon多久以后how far多远 a week一周一次twice a week一周两次three times三次four times四次3 or 4 times a week一周3-4次 the internet上网冲浪10. tv program电视节目 result of/for……的结果12.

keep in a good health保持健康stay/be/keep healthy保持健康 good for…对……有益14. pretty/quite/very health非常健康15. health lifestyle健康的生活方式 eating habits好/坏饮食习惯17.

help sb (to) do帮助某人做 better/more学得更好/更多 good grades取得好成绩 class 3,grade 2在二年3班 with以……开始。

sometime将来的某时候some time某段时间 tv看电视 world动物世界 + students所有/大部份/…学生all/most/some/one + of + n.复…其中的大部分 * high school在…高中at/in * middle school在…中学 one’s homework做某人作业doone’s housework做某人家务活 best student最好的学生i like pop best我非常喜欢流行乐 milk/water

unit 2 what’s the matter ?

not=mustn’t不应该2. a moment ago=just now才 stressed out紧张的4. illness=sickness病痛 few (跟复数)有些,几个6.

be ill=be sick生病 sick man一个病人8. at the moment=now此时 matter=the trouble=wrong10. a piece of advice一则建议11..

some advice一些建议12. ask sb for advice向某人征询建议 foot=walk走路14. be stressed out筋疲力尽15.

be/feel tired感觉劳累的16. be busy doing/with忙着…… a balance between a and b保持ab间平衡18. eat a balanced diet饮食均衡19.

on a diet节食20. eat hot yang food吃阴冷阳热食物21. sore throat喉痛22.

eat more yin food/hot yang fo多吃阴冷/温热食物23. a few/few + n.复a little/little+不可数n

16.h**e a (bad) cold伤风/感冒23. not until直到……才h**e a fever发烧24. improve one’e english提高英语h**e a headache头痛25.

that sounds interesting那听起来有趣17.lie down and rest躺下来休息that sounds like a good idea那听起来是好主意=h**e a break =h**e a rest休息26. i think so我这么认为=get some rest休息i don’t think so .我不这么认为 a doctor/dentist看医生27.

traditional chinese doctors传统中国医生 glass of water一杯水28. be healthy健康的drink/h**e more water多喝水29.need a balance of yin and yang需要阴阳平衡 days ago三天前30. for example例如 much +不可数名词太多 +adj.

+to do sth.做……怎么样too many books + c/复太多32 .take/h**e some medicine吃药much too +形容词太… one’s turn to do sth=do sth.

in turn轮流做sth.

unit 3 what are you doing for vacation ?

home在家 sth租给某人 in bed躺着看书rent sth to/from sb向/租给某人 long多久 about思考考虑 back回来think of sth/sb想起 about考虑think over仔细思考。

on决定 on sth决定某事 lakes五大湖decide to do sth决定去做某事 sb.照顾某人 the countryside在乡村 to do sth计划做某事 to do sth忘记将要做的事 at home=be at home在家forget doing sth(现进)忘记已做某事 back=come back回来 sb about sth问某人关于某事get home/there/here到家/那儿/这儿 movie star著名影星get to =arrive in/at=reach+地点到达 time with friend花时间与朋友一起 sightseeing去观光spend money on sth= sth cost+钱花钱买某物。

go shopping去购物spend+time (in)doing sth花时间做某事go swimming去游泳 plans假期计划go skateboarding去滑冰 good place to do sth做某事的好地方go dancing去跳舞 at home在家休息go fishing去钓鱼relax oneself放松自我go boating去划船球类打/踢球go bike riding/bicyclingplay the+乐器弹* *go camping去露营 sounds interesting.那听起来有趣go skinning去滑雪that sounds like a good idea.那听起来是个好主意 to+地=visit+地=go to visit+地。

go to sports camp去运动俱乐部 a plan for vacation制定假期计划go to the beach去沙滩 doing sth完成某事go shopping去购物 famous singer=a well-know singer

away离开著名歌手 for离开去某地 asia在亚洲h**e to do sth想要做某事enjoy doing sth/oneself过得愉快 the weather like?天气怎么样 sb sth= show sth to sb给某人看某物=how was the weather ?


unit4 词组。sectiona 1.它有最大的屏幕。it has the biggest screen.2.这家电影院最靠近我的家。the movie theater is the closest to home.3.你可以最快的速度买票。you can buy tickets the most...


unit4词组表。section a movie theater 电影院the most comfortable seats 最舒服的座椅 the biggest screen 最大的屏幕close to home 离我家近 the cheapest ticket 最便宜的票the worst so...

八年级Unit2 词组

unit2 1.怎么啦。2.头疼。3.牙疼。4.肚子疼。5.背疼。6.嗓子疼。7.发烧。8.躺下。9.休息。10.加蜂蜜的热茶。11.看牙医。12.和大量的水。13.不应该吃任何东西。14.我感觉不舒服。15.两天前。16.太糟了。17.我认为如此。18.我不这样认为。19.早日 20.希望做某事。...