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英语五年级上册unit 1知识要点。


family members(家庭成员):family(家庭),mother(母亲),father(父亲),grandmother(祖母,外祖母),grandfather(祖父,外祖父),parents(父母),grandparents(祖父母,外祖父母),brother(兄弟),sister(姐妹),uncle(叔叔),aunt(阿姨),cousin(表兄弟姐妹)




名词:member(成员),problem(问题,难题),character / role(角色),scene(场景),woods(小树林)


形容词:same(相同的),wonderful / fantastic(极好的)


词组:come in(进来),come on(快点),run away(逃跑),fall asleep(睡着),walk off(离开),be quiet(保持安静),little red riding hood(小红帽)


1. 询问家庭成员。


例:is he your grandfather? (他是你的爷爷吗?)

肯定回答: yes, he is. 否定回答:no, he isn’t.

is she emma’s friend? (她是emma 的朋友吗?)

肯定回答: yes, she is. 否定回答:no, she isn’t.

are you emma’s father? (你是emma的父亲吗?)

肯定回答:yes, i am. 否定回答:no, i’m not.

are these your parents? (他们是你的父母吗?)

肯定回答:yes, they are. 否定回答:no, they aren’t.


例:who’s that boy behind your parents? (你父母后面的男孩是谁?)

he’s my brother tim. (他是我的弟弟tim。)

2. 询问职业。

what do you do? (你是做什么的?)

i am a student/ teacher. (我是一个学生/老师。)

what does your father do? (你的父亲是做什么的?)

he is a doctor/ driver. (他是一个医生/司机。)

3. 询问人 …是谁?who is …?

例:who is the girl in red穿红色衣服的女孩是谁?)

she is little red riding hood. (她是小红帽。)

4. in + 颜色,表示穿着…颜色的衣服。

例:who is the girl in red? (穿红色衣服的女孩是谁?)

四、写作。本单元以“my family”为主题,学习了家庭成员的英语表达以及各种职业的表达。同学们可将二者结合,以“my family”为题练习英文写作。参考模板如下:

my family

i am __i’m a student. there are __people in my family, my father, my mother, my __and i.

my father is a __he __very well. he likes __very much. my mother is ashe likesmy __is ahe/she likeswe are in the same school.

we are a happy family. i love my family.


p8~ p9 t1a /1b /1c:要求能听懂录音、熟练跟读并听写1a的家庭成员单词;

p10 t2a/2b/2c: 要求能听懂录音、熟练跟读、理清人物关系并背诵2c;

p11 t3a/ 3b: 要求能熟读并理解一般疑问句的问答;

p12~p13 t4: 要求能理解剧本、跟读录音并分角色表演剧本。

p13 t5:要求能听写职业单词并正确询问职业。


第8页:1a. listen and match the words with the pictures. 听录音,将单词与**相匹配。

emma: hello, mike.

mike: hi, emma. how are you?

emma: fine, thank you. and you?

mike: i’m ok, thanks.

emma: come in, please.

mike: ok.

mike: wow! so many photos!

emma: yeah. my mum has put them on the wall.

mike: this big one is nice. are these your parents?

emma: yes, they are. my father bill, and my mother betty.

mike: who’s that boy behind your parents?

emma: he’s my brother tim.

mike: umm, he looks nice. are those your grandparents?

emma: yes, they are.

mike: what are their names?

emma: my grandfather is hans, and my grandmother alice.

mike: wow, a happy family!

emma: yes, i love my family.

第10页:2a. listen and circle the words you hear. 听音,圈出你听到的单词。

i am bob adams. ann is my cousin. we are in the same class.

ann’s mother is my aunt. she is my father’s sister. my uncle is lin tao.

they are both teachers. ann has got a brother sam. he is four years old.

i go to their home every sunday. my uncle cooks very well.

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