
发布 2022-12-12 03:33:28 阅读 8272

unit 4 what’s the best radio station?section a (2a—2d)

学习目标】1.熟练掌握四会单词: comfortable worse service pretty menu act meal

2. 归纳总结形容词最高级的常用句式。



一。 合作**下列知识点:

1. 区别clothing, clothes, cloth

1) clothing是服装的总称, 为单数名词, 没有复数形式。

(2) clothes统指各种衣服,为复数名词,它既不能用作单数,也不能与数词连用,但可以和many, these, a few, my等词连用。

(3) cloth意为“布料”,是不可数名词。

eg:we need warm___for the winter.

she bought many___last week.

how much___does it take to make a coat for the child.

2. miller’s是英语中常见的表示店铺或场所的说法,其构成的方法是:n.+’s。这类结构中的中心词一般为表示职业、姓氏、人名、称呼语的名词。

eg. at the doctor’s在诊所 at the teachers’在老师办公室。

at the smiths’在史密斯家 at mary’s在玛丽家。

go to my uncle’s去我叔叔家。


eg:she had fun在她朋友家).

3. thanks for….“因……而感谢”,相当于thank you for,介词for后跟名词,代词或动名词。

eg:thanks foryou)letter.

thanks forhelp)me.



1. who is thegood) at math in your school?

2. this t-shirt is___expensive)one of the three, but i like it very much.

3. i think math isdifficult) than chinese.

4. who isoutgoing) rose, sam or tom?

5. of the three cities, guangzhou has___many) people.

6. i think the fish is muchdelicious) than the duck.

7. today it’s quite___warm). but yesterday itwas even___warm).

8. changjiang river is the thirdlong) in the world.


1. i think jason’s is the best. (改为否定句)

ithink jason’sthe best.

2. lucy is 10 years old. mary is 14 years old. (合并为一句)

mary isyearsthan lucy.

3. bill is taller than any other student in our class. (改为同义句)

bill isstudent in our class.

4. shanghai is the biggest city in china. (改为同义句)

shanghai is bigger thanin china.

5. my f**orite subject is english. (改为同义句)



a: which do you think is thegood) restaurant in town?

b: in my opinion, it’s miller’s

a: i disagree. it isbad)than gina’s.

gina’s has better pizza than miller’s, and it’scheap) than miller’s

b: but it’s always crowded.

a: of course. it’s thepopular) restaurant in town.

b: well, i don’t think so.

a: in fact, the best food in town is at 209 mulberry street.

b: oh, that’s where you live.

a: sure. no one cooks asgood) as my mom.


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