
发布 2022-12-18 10:46:28 阅读 4959

unit 1 section a学案导学(八上)



1. 语法:一般现在时态(表频率的副词和短语)

2. 重点句型:(1)what do you usually do on weekends?

2)how often do you exercise?




1. exercise v. 锻炼,运动 exercise

n. 锻炼,运动

练习;操 do morning / eye exercises

练习:⑴ 他们每天都锻炼。


2. skateboard(v.踩滑板,参加滑板运动)→ 游泳钓鱼___购物___野营___与go构成短语时,表示休闲、娱乐性的活动,结构为go + v-ing


练习:⑴ 周末我通常去参加滑板运动。


3. hardly与hard只是拼写相似,但并无实质的联系,切不可混淆。

hard adj. 困难的,艰苦的,硬的: hard work

adv. 努力地,辛苦地,(雨雪等)下得大,猛烈地: work hard

hardly adv. 几乎不,几乎没有(否定词)→几乎从不,很少。

练习:选词填空(hard / hardly)

it’s rainingthe people cango outside.

i’m unhealthy(不健康)because iever exercise.

he works very

i don’t like math because it’s too

4. ever表示一种经历“曾经反义词)

5. time 时间:what time is it? /i h**e no time.

次数:four times

6. 一次两次三次。

针对次数划线提问应用how many times“多少次”。

练习:⑴ she visited china three times.(划线提问。

we h**e a math test once a week.(划线提问。

i go to the movies twice a month.(划线提问。

副词(always, usually, often, sometimes,

7. 划线部分为表频率的 hardly ever, never时,用提问。

短语(every day, every week等。

every构成的短语;once a week等)

练习do you water the plants? —twice a day.

a. how long b. how many c. how often d. how much

—how often can i eat ice cream, mum

a. a week ago b. once a week c. for 3 days d. in 3 days

i hardly ever drink tea.(划线提问。

bill eats fruit three times a week.(划线提问。

our school has a party every year.(划线提问。

8. active短语 be active“活跃的,积极的”

take an active part in…“积极参加…”

练习:⑴ he always helps others. he is veryactive).

there are manyactive) in our school every year.

she always takes anpart in schoolactive).



1. what you usually on weekends.(p1.插图)

练习:⑴ i usually read books on weekends.(划提。

she often watches tv on weekends. (划提。

they visited their teachers last weekend. (划提。

he is playing with his dog. (划提。

结论:划线部分为动词短语时,用what……do / doing?代替。

2. most students exercise three or four times a week.(p3. 3)

most of the students

请分析:① most birds = most of the birds most修饰___时 most + n.

most people = most of the peoplemost +of +限定词+n.

most of us most修饰时,只有一种形式:most of +人称代词。

most of you

注:all, some与most 用法相同。〕

练习:⑴ 他们中的一些回答很有意思are interesting.

一些回答很无聊are boring.

他们中大多数人是学生are students.

大部分学生每天都看电视watch tv every day.

四、系统总结 1、请写出本课的频率副词:


2、本课的两个重点句型:(12) 五、诊断评价


1 ever反义词)

2 one序数词次数)

3 two序数词次数)

4 active (adjn.)

5 about同义词)


1 多久一次。

2 去踩滑板。


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