
发布 2022-12-18 10:52:28 阅读 6276

unit 9 h**e you ever been to an amusement park ?(复习学案)


教师寄语: never say die . 永不言败)


教师提出h**e you ever been to ··引导学生回答。

and then , let’s go to the disneyland together.(用幻灯片展示)


1、knowledge aims

new words: neither, seen, island, especially

drills: -h**e you ever been to an aquarium ?

-yes, i’ve been to an aquarium .

-no ,i h**en’t ./neither h**e i .

no ,i’ve never been to an aquarium .

2、ability aims:



3、emotion aim :


三、 自主学习。

read the words by yourself and then h**e a dictation.

四、 合作**。

让学生以小组为单位总结出本单元的key phrases and sentences. and then complete it.

1. 从没去过迪斯尼乐园。

2. 玩得愉快 3. 结束4. 主题公园。

5. 当然6. 一直7. 许多著名的人物。

8. 听说9. 行驶不同的路线 10. 在同一个地方。

五、 展示讲解。

ask the students to write down the key phrases and sentences on the blackboard . and then use them to make sentences.


1) 1.__of my parents enjoys music.

a. both b. neither c. all

2. -why is your mother’s english so good?

- because she___new york for six years.

a. has gone to b. has been in c. has been to

3. —i’ve never been to a water park

a. me, too b. me, neither. c. me also.

4. it __me 4 hours to do my homework yesterday.

a. cost b. spent c. took

5. _h**e you been in china ? for two years.

a. how long b. how often c. how far

6. they had trouble __the hospital.

a. find b. too c. finding

2) 1. we __see) this film twice already, so we___not want) to see it again.

2. -where is m r li?

he___go) to dalian. and he’ll be back in a week.

3. _you ever __finish) your homework?

4. the girl wants to be a teacher after___finish) school.

5. -where __you___go) last week?

-- hong kong.


1. already, yet, ever ,never ,just, before, recently

2. once, twice ,three times ,four times

3. thesevdays , today ,this year ,so far

4. for + 一段时间, since +时间点。

注:表示短暂时间动作的词,如:come,go,die,marry,buy 等的完成时态不能与for,since等表示一段时间的词连用。)

3) 写作训练。



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