
发布 2022-12-28 23:06:28 阅读 4235



1.行为动词的一般现在时是中考的一个重要的语法项目,频率副词的运用也是中考的一个重要的考点;1.词组try to do sth.

, be good (for)at ,look after ,a lot of ,hardly ever, the same as 是中考的常考语言点;3.不定代词all/ most /some /none 等在中考题型中经常出现。




be 动词第一人称用am,第二人称及复数人称用are,第三人称单数用is. h**e 第三人称单数用has,其他人称之后用h**e.


1)一般情况下,在动词之后直接加s。(2)以s ,sh,ch,x 或o结尾的词加es,(3),以辅音字母+y 结尾的词,变y 为i 再加es .


1)表示现在的动作或存在的状态。(2)表示经常或习惯性的动作,常与always,usually,often,sometimes,every day ,every week等时间副词连用。(3)表示客观事实,一成不变的事情。

the earth goes around the sun. there are twelve months in a year.




always > usually > often > sometimes > seldom > hardly ever > never

2.频度副词的位置:(1)在be 动词之后(2)在第一个助动词或情态动词之后(3)在实义动词之前。但sometimes的位置比较灵活,它还可置于句首或句末。



它们的主要区别在于表示的频率高低不同。always 一直,总是,没有间段。usually 通常地,一般地,表示习惯性动作,少有例外,频率仅次于always。

often 常常,时常,频率不定,和说话人的主**法关系极大。sometimes 表示频率较低,相当于at times。hardly ever 几乎从不,几乎从没有,表示否定意义。


1)often , always , usually 等通常和一般现在时连用,表示现在经常或反**生的动作。

2)always与进行时连用时,并不强调动作正进行,而是表示总是做某事,一直做某事。其回定结构是:be always doing sth..

he is always thinking of others .他总是想着别人。

5.对频率提问都用 how often.。

三)how often ,how long ,how many ,how much ,how soon ,how far 辨析。



1. he found n people in the room is empty.

the iis a quick way to get information.

a lazy boy ! peter takes a bath t a month.

f**ourite pis animal world.

are the rof the survey.

do you usually do on wi often watch tv.

often does she shop? oort a week.

is pretty healthy because he eevery day.

you h**e a healthy l ? do you h**e good ehabits?

a lot of vegetables is good for our h

11.对话: a: hi ,mary .you look so h

b:thank you. i often drink m

a:how odo you drink milk?

b:i drink milk almost every d

a:do you lit ?

b:yes, i like it very m

a:wdo you like it so much ?

b:my mother says it's gfor my helth. and i also tso.


old man锻炼)every morning.

often购物) on weekends.

must保持) our classroom clean.

are some不同) between the two pictures.

几乎不) goes to restaurant for dinner.

doesn’t often喝) coffee ,she likes green tea.

eating习惯) are not very good.

must设法) to work hard.


brother’seat) habits are not good.

mom goes shoppingtwo) a week.

happy because my mother ishealth).

important for you to eat abalance) diet.

lot of vegetableshelp) you to keep in good health.

greens areplan) their vcation to greece this weekend.

often does she shopone) a week.

mother wants herplay) the piano every day.

want to goshop).

a letter for you.

11.hard workresult) in success.

are thedifferent) between his lifestyle and yours?


bother drinks milk threea week.

students h**e to do some after class.

thinklifestyle is important for us.

love my mom. she neverme to do anything that i don’t like.

you tell me thebetween the two pictures?


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