
发布 2022-12-22 03:16:28 阅读 7497


unit 4how do you get to school ?

period1section a 1a-1c


教师寄语】:please make today a great day in your life.


学习目标】一)四会词汇get to, how far, bicycle, subway, car, train, minute, kilometer, mile,transportation, hundred

熟练掌握下列短语:gettoschool,gethome,howabout=whatabout,takethesubway,rideabike,takethebus,takethetrain,takeataxi,bybike,bikebus,bysubway,by taxi,by car,by train,熟练运用下列句型:①how do you get to school?

i take the bus.

how does she get to school?she walks to school.③how do they get to school?

they the train.

how long does it take?it takes 20 minutes.



一)教学重点:学习how对交通方式的提问和how long对时间段的提问。

教学难点:it takes sb. st. to do sth.花费某人多长时间做某事。

it takes me 25 minutes to walk and 10 minutes by bus.


1.5分钟预习课本从课文中画出14个新单词和14个短语并标明汉语意思。2.掌握并灵活运用对how对交通方式的提问和how long对时间段的提问,学习过程】


1、温故。假如明天是国庆长假,请根据下列提示简单说一说你的度假计划。①where are you going for vacation?

②when are you le**ing?③who are you going with?


how long are you staying there?⑤what are you doing there?2、预习感知:想想译译。

1、bus stop2、take the train3、on foot4、到校5、乘地铁6、how long7、walk to school8、乘公共汽车9、forty-six __10、四十序数词。


getto表示后面是副词时,不需___如:到家___5、take the +交通工具用来表示“乘相当于by +交通工具如:i usually take a bus to work .

=i usually go to worktake the train to school = go to school by traintake the taxi to the airportwalkto= go to…onfootride the bike = by bike

6.花费(时间) it takes(took) sb. some time to do takes him an hour to go to work everyday.


1.—how does he go to work?—he __the train.

a. takeb. takesc. byd. on



趣味情景导入:(乐学相融,激发求知兴趣)tell a funny storys: school-go slow

s:every time i come to the corner ,a sign says: school-go slow.

小组互动谈论交通工具:a: how do you get to school?

b: i ride my bike /take a bus/walk….二。




知识要点。1.take花费it takes sb. st. to do sth.花费某人多长时间做某事2、辨析get to ,arrive,与reach

get和arrive都有“到达”之意,且均为不及物动词,后加地点名词时,get和to连用;arrive和介词at,in连用,arrive at指到较小的地方,arrive in指到较大的地方。


eg:when did they arrive at the village?

they arrived in london yesterday.②reach是及物动词,后直接加宾语。eg:they reached qingdao yesterday。

1). they __a village in the evening and lived arrived inb. arrived atc. left for

d. got

2) when did you__(到达)the airport?3、交通方式的表达法:①用方式状语。


i go to school by bike.注意:“步行”用on footb:

in/on﹢限定词﹢交通工具eg:i often go home on my bike.

he went to beijing in/on the train yesterday.②用动词。

a: take﹢限定词﹢交通工具eg:he takes the subway to work

其他动词:walk ,ride a bike , drive a car

注:take the +交通工具用来表示“乘相当于by +交通工具典型例题:

a: how does he get to school?b:he gets to school___

a by a carb. on feetc. in his father′card. on bus



1. when itrain), i’ll take a taxi.

2. it took them a yearbuild) the bridge.3.

heride) his b ike to work every day.4. don’t say it inchina), say it in english.

5. what do youusual) do on sundays?二、完成句子。


many studentsto school.2.坐火车去北京需用多长时间?

how longitto go to beijing by train?3.你每天怎样去学校?

you get to school every day?4.我妈妈经常乘地铁去上班。

my mother usuallywork.5.爱丽丝每天步行去学校。

aliceschoolevery day.



1by bus.

a. why does he go to work?b.

how does he go to work?c. when does she go to work?

d. where does he work?2is it from your school to the zoo?

—it's about six how muchb. how manyc. how longd.

how far3. i like tomy take; in b. catch; at c.

live; on d. ride; on4it take you to walk from your home to your office?

a. how long isb. how long doesc.

how many time doesd. how many hours are5. mr wang is le**ingguangzhou next tob.

withc. ind. for6.

it will take the men half a yearthe finishb. finishingc. to finishd.


中考链接。1.—how do you go to school?(北京海淀2007)—i __

a. take busb. take the busc. by the busd. on the bus

2. although she is young, _she knows several foreign languages.(威海2008)a.

butb. soc. andd.

/3. it___jack 20 minutes___the math problem yesterday.(重庆2007)a.

took; to work outc. has taken; working out

b. takes; to work outd. is taking; working out

课后反思(教师寄语:never do things by halves)



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