新目标八年级下unit3 错题集答案解析

发布 2022-12-22 03:13:28 阅读 1023


选择题。 )i couldn’t do it __your great help. thanks a lot.

a withb withoutc ford to



)don’t put off __to the doctor when you are ill.

a. go b. to go c. going d. gone

答案:c解析:put off 是“动词+介词”的短语结构,介词后需跟名词、代词或动名词。


)you should look after ,classmates.

a. yourselves b. yourselfc. herselfd. himself



)the __man is still

a. sick, sicked b. sick, illc. ill, sickd. ill, ill



)i must hurry back to look after mygrandma. she’s beenfor a week.

a. ill, sick b. ill, ill c. sick, sicked d. sick, ill



)jack used to __up early, but now he is used to __up late.

a. get, get b. get, getting c. getting, get d. getting, getting

答案:b解析:依句意,“杰克过去常常早起,但现在他习惯玩起。”前为“used to do…”过去常常做某事;后为“be used to doing”习惯于做某事。

考点:词语辨析——used to do 和 be used to doing

)shelive alone. but sheliving alone because she feels lonely.

a. used to; doesn’t used tob. is used to; was used to

c. used to; is not used tod. was used to; doesn’t used to

答案:c解析:依句意,“她过去常单独生活,但她不习惯于独自生活。。。注意be used to doing的否定式。


)the father is creative enough so many nice toys for his daughter.

a. buying b. ****** c. to buy d. to make

答案:c解析:…enough to do,意为“。。足够做某事”,creative,有创意的;依句意,“父亲有足够的创意来为女儿做许多的好玩具。”


)danny did all kinds of things to make the baby

a. to stop crying b. stop crying c. to stop to cryd. stop to cry


”make sb do sth,使役动词make后跟不带to的不定式,stop sb doing sth,阻止某人正做的事情。


)—which dress do you like best, madam? —sorry, i can’t decidenow.

a. to buy which one b. buy which one c. which one to buy d. which i should buy it.

答案:a解析:decide to do,“决定做某事”


)i saw him when i passed by.

a. ranb. runc. runsd. running

答案:d解析:see sb doing sth 看见某人正在做某事,see sb do 看见某人经常或做过某事;此处有when引导的时间状语从句限制,故应为当时正在发生的事情。

考点:see sb doing sth和see sb do的用法。


let’s cheerthey) up, ok?

it’s possible for benh**e) lucky.

hecarry) a bag of rice to the house just now.

there are fourknife) on the desk.

when he saw the children singinghappy) ,he got such a strong___feel )of satisfaction.

hespend) every morningdo) some sports.

theyset) up an english club next term.

the movie stargive away)100,000 yuan to the village school three days ago.

we think the internet ischange one’s life)these days.

mike haddifficult) in learning english well.

答案:them 做谓语动词的宾语,代词要用宾格。

to h**e 句型“it is + 形容词 + to do 做某事。。。怎么样)”;动词不定式做主语。

carried 句末有just now 意为“刚刚”,从时间上说是发生了的事情,故谓语动词要用一般过去时。

knives 名词knife变复数,应该去掉fe ,再加上ves.

happily, feeling 前句的句意,“孩子们高兴地唱着歌”happy修饰动词sing,所以要变成副词的形式;后句的句意,“一种强烈的感觉”,feel在此应为名词形式。

spends, doing 句中有时间标志“every morning”,故谓语动词用一般现在时,主语是he,动词用第三人称单数形式;spend…doing… 花费时间/金钱做某事

will set up 句末有时间标志 next term“下个学期”,故谓语动词为一般将来时。

g**e away 句末有three days ago ,故谓语动词用一般过去时,give的过去式为g**e

changing our lives 该句谓语动词前有be 动词,时态为 be + doing… 现在进行时。“one’s”代表形容词性物主代词,主语是we,故此要变为our,life的复数为lives.

difficulty 句型“h**e difficulty (in) doing ”做某事有困难,此处“困难”需用名词形式。


if you don’t keep yourself warm enough, winter can be a time to h**e a(nduring the winter months, people___get colds and flu . many people think they are the same, but they are___

colds can stay with you for up to a week. you will h**e a running nose, sore throat, headache, cough and a fever. flu is___you will feel sick very quickly.

you will h**e a fever and a headache. your body will hurt and become weak. this could last for up to four weeks.


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unit 3 what were you doing when the ufo arrived 课型 新授执笔人 王晓审核人 王艳霞时间 thesecondperiodsection a 3a 4 learningaims knowledgeobjects 1.学习单词 imaginestrange...


unit 3 what were you doing when the ufo arrived 课型 新授执笔人 王晓审核人 王艳霞时间 the first period section a 1a 2c learning aims knowledge objects 1.学习单词 ufo barbe...