
发布 2022-12-21 07:13:28 阅读 1019

unit5 feeling happy

topic3 many things can affect our feelings.

课型:新授课主备人: 审核:八年级英语备课组。


学习目标]1、会用本课所学的新词汇:nervous , bitter , bored , sleepy , cd , *** , test。





2、listen to the tape , 1a。

3、 listen to the tape , part 2。



)1、if you want to do well in __you must __your teacher’s advice.

follow b. running , follow c. run , listen to d. to run , listen

)2、--i’ afraid of __bird flu . it makes me so___

-do more exercise to keep healthy.

a. catch , unhappily b. catch , nervous c. catch , unhappily d. catch , nervous

)3、--my best friend has a high fever. he is feeling worse now.

-you should advise hima doctor.

a. to see b. seeing c. see d. saw

)4、--all of us can take turns __tom __his lessons.

a. to help , to b. help , to help, with d. help , with

)5、--it’s very nice __you to help old people.

-that’s what i should do.

a. to

)6、our chinese teacher is ill , so we’ll play basketballh**ing chinese class tomorrow afternoon.

a. instead b. instead of

)7、--wesee you come back to school soon.

-i think i will.

a. hope tob. want c. would like d. hate to

)8、--the boring film on tv makes meto sleep.

-you’d better change the chanel.

a. wants want

unit5 feeling happy

topic3 many things can affect our feelings.


课型:新授课主备人: 审核:八年级英语备课组。


1、会用本课所学的新词汇:affect , mood , put on , boss , monitor , get along with , workmate, speech, schoolmate , passport。


3、继续学习" make+object+v./adj”和”let+object+v "的用法。




2、listen to the tape , 1a。

3、 listening practice , part 2。



)1、--mrs. liu , you are so busy , let me __care of the children instead of you .

-you are so kind .

b. to take c. take d. taking

)2、--don’t smoke , please, dad , smoking is bad

-ok. i will try my best to give it up.

a. to your health b. to your healthy c. for your health d. for your healthy

)3、--i feel upset in the nosiy city .

-why not go to the country ? environment can make your feeling

a. to change

)4、the girl was so fritened . she met a big dog on the way __lily’s home.

a. to b. /d. of

)5、--let’s make dinner for our parents.

-sounds __let’s prepar __it.

a. greatly, to do c. great, for d. greatly, for

)6、if we often __a good mood , we are more active.

a. atb.

)7、--what’s wrong with you, milly?

-i think dirty fruit make me __

a. illness b. to ill c. ill d. to be ill

)8、--when i waked past the poor man, i saw a girlin front of him.

-how terrible!

a. lying dunit5 feeling happy

topic3 many things can affect our feelings.



学习目标]1、会用本课所学的新词汇: moon, especially,hang, tear, thought, confident, try out, noise.

2、继续学习" make+object+v./adj”的用法。




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