
发布 2022-11-29 17:11:28 阅读 5387

授课时间:2018.03.19 年级:三年级下层次:提高班姓名。


1.[i:] 字母组合 e eaeei ie 2.[i]字母组合a e ey i y eerear

he she me we thesebeginenglish cinema

3.[3:]字母组合irurearer 4.字母组合erorouaroa

shirt skirt third birdteacher player farmer


car farm card arm gardencome mother dose love

7.[:字母组合alorauourar 8.发音字母oa

short horse for forty door hot lost fox box not

unit sounds词汇、知识点。


拓展词汇: ferry 轮渡 metro 地铁 boat小船 van 面包车。


1. what can you hear? 你能听到什么声音? -i can hear…我能听到…

2. worry表示“担心”,don’t worry! “不用担心”,常用来安慰人。

3. its mouth is big. its eyes are green它的嘴很大,它的眼睛是绿色的。


its的意思是“它的”,it’s 的意思是“它是”。

四.掌握物主代词:its, his, her, your, my, our, their+名词。

五.语音:了解字母t, d在单词中的发音 / t /,d /


ten tiger teacher taxi

bed dest doll do

unit 3课堂练习题。

一。 读一读,选出不同类的单词。

) 1. a. seeb. hearc. red

) 2. a. bikeb.

) 3. a. plane b. blackc. ship

) 4. a. carb. trainc. sound

) 5. a, helpb. eyec. mouth

) 6. a, redb. bluec. colour

) 7. a. busb. sheepc. ship

) 8. a, sourb. tastec. sweet

) 9. a, itb. whatc. how

) 10. a, ice cream b. lemonc. banana


) 1. 你想问alice 能听到什么,可以说:

a, what can you hear, alice? b. what can you see, alice?

) 2. 当你想告诉别人你听到了一艘船的声音,可以说:

a, i can hear a shipb. i can hear a sheep.

) 3. 当你向他人寻求帮助的时候,可以问:

a, can you help meb. can i help you?

) 4. 你想跟tom 说不要担心,可以说:

a, very good, tomb. don’t worry, tom.

) 5. 询问某种食物酸不酸,可以说:

a, is it sourb. is it sweet?

) 6. “它是红白相间的颜色”,可以说:

a, it’s red. it’s whiteb. it’s white and red.

) 7. 你想表达自己能听到一辆自行车的声音,可以说:

a, i can hear a bikeb. i can’t hear a bike.


1sam can hear a ship.

2, can you hear some pigs

3it is a monster. its mouth is big.

4. what can you hear

5i hear a train.


1, moo…moo…what do you heara. yes, i can.

2. listen! what can you hearb. i hear a cow.

3. can you hear some dogsc. it’s a train.

4. what is itd. i can hear a ship.


1. you, what, can, see, plane, i, see, can, a (?

2. hear, you, what, can, a, hear, i, can, ship

3. mouth, big, is, its, (


ab:it is sour.

ab: it is green.

ab: i can hear a plane.

ab: i can see a ship.

ab: no, it is sweet.

ab: mm, i can’t find my pencil


1, taste the cake. it is sweet and .

2. taste the lemon. it isand yellow.

3. my hair is long and

4. the red apple is and it is not



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