
发布 2022-12-28 23:27:28 阅读 7778

step 1:基础知识回顾。

第一部分:u5 词组复习。

in the wild 在野生环境中

at birth 出生时

on one’s own 独自

close to 几乎靠近

throw…into 把……扔进

write to 写信给……

talk about 谈论。

cut down 砍倒

live in 居住

long teeth 长牙

live for up to 60 years 活到60岁

stop doing 停止做某事

give birth to 生育。

protect sth\sb from sth 保护某人免受某物的危害。

in the centre of 在。的**。

a kind of 一种。

day and night 夜以继日地。

stay healthy 保持健康。

look after== take care of 照顾。

in order to 为了。

become ill 生病。

look for寻找。

be good at擅长。

in memory of 为了纪念。



pandas like eating b___

2. the tigers are c___to others animals.

3. your b___is impolite.

4. the p___in china is about 1300000000.

5. do you know the __重量) of the elephant?

6. the g___pandas are very cute. i like them very much.

7. can you show me your __菜单)?

8. there were many different kinds of a___on earth.

9然而) he arrived at school on time.

10. he lives in the w___

常考短语。1. 在野生环境中2. 色斑。

3. 人口,族群4. 重量。

5. 义务,责任6. beh**iour

7. organization8. kilogram

9. giant10. adult

11. 独自12. 出生时。

13. take care of14. 听。

第二部分:语法形容词+to do

it’s +adj.+of sb. to do sth.


it’s very kind of you to help me. 你能帮助我,真是太好了!

有时也可用简缩句型it’s + adj.+ of sb. that’s + adj. +of sb., 或如。

it’s wrong of you . 你错了。

that’s lovely of her. !她多可爱呀。


一、表示聪明或愚蠢的形容词,clever, wise, foolish, stupid, silly, unwise, dumb(),absurd ()有愚笨的荒谬的等如。

it’s silly of him to do such a thing. ,他竟干出这样的事真是愚蠢。

二、表示正确或错误的形容词, right ,wrong, correct, incorrect , 有等如。

it was right of her not to come here. ,她没有来这儿太对了。

三、表示好坏等品性的形容词, good, nice, kind, sweet, friendly, lovely, wonderful, jolly(),bad, unkind, naughty, wicked(,)此类词较多有快活的坏的**的等如。

it’s friendly of you to come and see me . 你能来看我真够朋友。

四、表示褒义或贬义色彩的形容词,br**e, polite, careless, selfish,: 有等如。

it was br**e of you to manage to do it. ,你居然能做成这件事真勇敢。

值得注意的是,it’s + adj.+ for sb. to do sth.

,it’s + adj.+ for sb. to do sth.

, 该句型与句型含义大不相同结构是一个陈述句表示说话人对客观事件的决断。

it is + adj. +for sb. to do sth.

在这个句型中,形容词常是描述事物的,如difficult, easy, hard, important, dangerous, (im)possible, necessary等,这些形容词常与事物的特征有关。等。如:

it is important for us to learn english well. 对我们来说学好英语是重要的。

5、“sb. thinks it+形容词(for sb.)+to do sth.


he found it very important for the students to learn english well.

六、not...adj\adv enough to = too adj\adv.. to不够。而不能,太。而不能。

the boy is not tall enough to reach the apple on the tree. =

the boy is too short to reach the apple on the tree.

即学即练)1. she wasangry to say a word.

a. very b. too c. very much d. enough

2. there ismilk in this cup than in that one.

a. less b. a little c. fewer d. a bit

3. —i don’t like learning maths. it’s too difficultme.

—but maths is very useful. it’s sillyyou to drop it.

a. for; of b. of; for c. for; for d. of; of

4. —let’s h**e a rest, shall we?

—not now. i don’t want to stopthe letter yet.

a. write b. to write c. writing d. and write

5. ①it’s very kindyou to help us.

②it’s very importantus to keep the balance of nature.

is necessary __us to h**e a good knowledge of english. a. for b. of

is no use __over the spilt milk. cry


1. you should h**e goodbeh**e) in the public!

2. it’s nice of youhelp) me with my homework.

3. when is yourbirth)?

4. can you tell me the way towe) school?

5. please remember __take) your homework tomorrow.

单选。1. —jack, could you help me __when the plane will take off on the internet?

—i’m sorry, my computer doesn’t work.

a. get out b. look out c. take out d. find out

2. drivers shouldn’t be allowed __after drinking, or they will break the law.


unit5 educational exchanges 现在完成时 一 现在完成时说明在过去开始延续到现在 并可能延续到将来 的动作,或指过去发生的 与现在还有某种联系的动作。1 基本结构 肯定句 主语 h e has done 其它。eg she has been to shanghai.她去过上...




chapter 5 短语语法单。一。it is adj.for sb.to do sth.这个句型意为 对于某人来说做某事是。相当于 to do sth is adj.for sb.在该句型中,it 作形式主语,to do sth.为真正的主语,形容词用来描述不定式所表述的事件。这类形容词常见的有 ...