八年级下 英语 UNIT5词组句型归纳

发布 2022-12-28 23:29:28 阅读 5532

unit 5

old enough to do 年龄足够干某事

share sth. with sb. 和某人分享某事。

make a plan 制作计划above all 首要的是。

too…to 太…而不能keep quiet 保持安静。

traffic rules 交通规则invite sb. to do 邀请某人做某事。

the way to do 做某事的方法talk about 谈论关于。

meet you for the first time 第一次见你。

start a conversation 开始对话。

something else 其他in public 在公共场合。

bump into someone 撞上某人all the time 一直以来。

other tips for us 给我们的其他提示。

keep your voice down in public 在公共场合压低声音。

learn about sth. 学习某事be helpful to sb. 对某人有帮助。

just as the saying goes… 就如那句谚语所说。

try not to do sth. 尽量不去做某事。

warn sb. not to do 警告某人不要做某事。

tell sb. about sth. 告诉某人关于某事。

keep sb. safe from danger 让某人保持安全。

visit an art museum 参观一个艺术博物馆。

talk softly 轻声说话be familiar with 熟悉,认识。

express your ideas 表达你的观点 soon after 马上,之后不久。

in order to do 为了be tried out 筋疲力尽。

be good at doing 擅长做某事。

give a talk on good table manners 谈一谈餐桌礼仪。

make too much noise 制造太多噪声。

wait for someone 等待某人。

the purpose of the talk 谈话的主题。

sit at the table 坐在餐桌前。

make sure to do 确认做某事。

express himself clearly清楚地表达他自己的想法。

write down all the main points 写下全部要点。

bright in colours色彩明亮。

beh**e politely in public在公共场所举止有礼貌。

push in = cut in插队。

pick flowers in the park在公园里摘花。

obey traffic rules遵守交通规则。

queue for your turn排队等候。

keep the library clean保持图书馆清洁。

write in the books在书里写。

put them back after reading阅读后放回原处。

invite jenny to talk about manners 邀请jenny谈论礼仪

british people are very polite at home as well , aren’t they ?


you’re never too old to learn


shaking your hand when they meet you for the first time.


they think it’s rude to push in before others.


if you are in their way , they won’t touch you or push past you . they’ll say“excuse me”and be polite enough to wait till you move.



sb.to do sth.邀请某人去做某事。of 最高级 名词复数 the evening过夜spend度过 周末 假期 sth.for sb.be ready for为 准备。4.so 形容词 副词如此 such a an 形容词 名词如此 的人 事 5.say thanks sorry good...

Unit5 八年级下

unit 5 if you go to the party,you ll h e a great time to the party 去参加派对 injured 手上。a great time玩的开心 in doing有时间做某事。with和某人一起 sport do sports做运动。bus t...


1.以 闻名 出名 be well known for be famous for 2.作为 而出名 be known as be famous as 3.不论 无论 no matter 从句。4.no matter 疑问词 疑问词 ever 无论什么no matter what whatever ...