
发布 2022-12-28 23:26:28 阅读 9941

unit 7 will people h**e robots?


1. live to be 200 years old 活动200岁2. in the future 在未。

3. world peace 世界和平 4. live in an apartment 住在公寓里 5. loo for 寻找

5. on a space station 在太空站 6. in space 在太空 7. seem impossible 似乎不可能。

8. human servants 人类的仆人 9. thin lie a human/humans 像人类一样思考。

10. over and over again 反复地 the environment 污染环境

12. on the earth在地球上 13. the meaning(s) of words 单词的意思 14. in the sea. 在海洋

15. another foreign language 另一门外语 16. move to other planets. 搬到其他的星球去。

17. in the sy. 在空中 18. in danger处于危险之中 18. during the wee 在这周之内

19. out of danger 脱离危险 20. at some point 在某一点上;在某种程度上;在某个时候

21. boos will only be on computers, not on *****. 书将只在电脑里, 而不是在纸上。

纸: a piece of ***** 一张纸

the ***** is too small. could you give me a big piece ?

试卷;**;报纸: the students are busy doing their *****s

22. there will be more pollution将会有更多的污染。

1). there will be + n = there is/are going to be + n 将会有… (不能h**e与连用)

there is going to be a football match this friday.

2). pollution( 污染;公害 pollute(v):污染;弄脏 polluted(adj):受污染的。

23. everyone should play a part in s**ing the earth. 每个人应该参与挽救地球。

部分;参加;零件;器官 some parts of the machine;every part of the body.

参加;参与 = tae part in …

play a part in (doing) sth. 在…起作用/有影响 = play a role in…

24. i’ll fly rocets to the moon.= i’ll go to the moon by rocet. 我将乘火箭去月球。

n)苍蝇。鸟、飞机等)飞 i want to fly up into the sy.

v) 使(飞机等)飞行;驾驶 i’ll fly (the spaceship) to other planets.

旗帜、头发等)飘扬 the flag is flying in the wind

时间)飞逝 time flies when i’m reading a boo.

25. today there are already robots woring in factories. 现在已经有机器人在工厂里工作了。

there be sb. doing sth. 有某人正在做… there is a bird singing in the tree.

22. they agree it may tae hundreds of years. 他们同意这可能花费几百年的时间。

1) it taes + 时间 + for sb.) to do sth. 某人花费时间区做某事。

it too me half an hour to finish my homewor.

agree to do sth. we agree to meet up later and tal things over(认真商量)

2agree to sth(suggestion/advice/plan/idea). is she going to agree to our idea?

agree with sb./opinion(观点)/what he said

同意;应允 sb. agree on sth. 某人(达成协议的双方)就…达成协议。

do you agree with me about/on the plan?

3. hundreds/thousands/millions of sth.; two… hundred/ thousand/million sth.

26. some scientists believe that there will be more robots in the future.

1n) belief 信念;信仰

i can’t believe my eyes/ears. i don’t believe (that) she’ll come.

认为;相信 believe sb. 相信某人的话。

2). believe in sth. 信仰;信赖;相信(…的存在) do you believe in god?

3). believe it or not. 信不信由你;i believe so. 我这样认为;i believe not. 我不这样认为

27. which side do you agree with? 你同意哪一方的观点?

side 一方; 一边; 一面;一侧等 change sides 改变立场、观点; side by side 肩并肩。

from side to side 左右地; put sth to one side 把… 搁在一边

28. these new robots will h**e many different shapes. 这些新的机器人将会有许多不同的形状。

形状;外形 the shape of the leaf

在形状上: the buildings are similar in shape.

健康的:he eercises every day to eep in shape.

不成形的:his old coat is out of shape

身体状况不佳的:he is out of shape these days.

29. if buildings fall down with people inside, these snae robots can help loo for people

under the building. 如果楼房倒塌而里面还有人,蛇形机器人就能帮助寻找人。

n)秋天(美)= autumn le**es turn red in the fall.

物)落下;掉落 the rain began to fall again.

v) (**、温度、声音等)下降 the temperature fell to below 00c.

变为(状态) fall asleep ; fall ill

词组:fall down 跌倒; (物) 倒塌 fall off :从。上落下;(物)脱落。

fall into: 掉入;落入 fall over:被。绊倒 he fell over a stone.

fall behind 落后 fall in love with...爱上。

30. i thin i’ll tae a holiday in hong ong when possible.我想如果可能的话,我会去香港度假。

tae a holiday 去度假 ; when possible = if possible 如果可能的话。


1. 人们将不使用钱币,所有的东西将免费。people won`t use money. everything will be free.


unit 8 how do you make a banana milk shake?知识点。1.摇动过去式2.蜂蜜勺,调羹。3.糖 4.奶酪 5.机器 6.三明治 7.黄油 8.块9.感恩节10.传统的11.秋季12.旅行者13.英国14.庆祝 庆贺15.盘子,碟子16.接待,服务17.温度,气候...


unit7 will people h e robots?知识点。1.污染动词被污染的2.预言动词3.环境4.行星5.建造过去式。6.天空 复数 7.宇航员 8.公寓9.人复数10.仆人11.危险的12.已经13.工厂复数14.日本 日本人的 15.相信16.不同意同意17.倒塌过去式18.在里面1...

新目标英语八年级 上

unit4 priod 1说课稿。说课教师 高美玲。任教学校 青铜峡市大坝电厂学校。说课时间 2009年9月20日。新目标八年级 上 unit4 priod 1说课稿。尊敬的评委老师们 大家好!今天我给大家说课的内容是人教版go for it 八年级上册第四单元section a。整个说课内容包括七...