
发布 2022-12-28 21:09:28 阅读 8601



1. 去水族馆2. 照相,拍照。

3. 和某人闲逛4. 获奖。

5. 玩得高兴6. 乘公共汽车回学校。

7. 得到他的亲笔签名8. 在……的尽头/末尾。

9. 开车兜风10. 进行庭院旧货**。

11.睡过头12. 在你下一个休息日。

13. 在将来14. 听起来像。

15. **海豚表演。


1. are___2. go3. hang4. put5. eat___

6. drive___7. come8. sleep___9. read___10. watch___


1. there are manyvizitz∕on the great wall today.

2. themnit∕of our class is good at all the subjects.

3. it’s raining. you’ll getwet∕if you don’t take anmbrel∕ with you.

4. do you want to gogen∕?

5. my father g**e a pen to me as my birthdaygift∕.


)1.—wherehe go on vacation? —he went to the mountains.

a.is b.does c.has d.did

)2.—how were the assistants in the storefriendly.

a.they are b.they were c.they did d.they do

)3.we had great funin the beach.

a.to play b.playing c.play d.played

)4. weany sharks on my last school trip.

a. saw b. didn’t saw c. didn’t see d. see

) 5.when my parentsyoung, therenot so much food.

a.are; is b.were; was c.are; was d.were; is

)6did you do?

a.what else b.what else things c.what other d.what others things

)7.were thereactors___the aquarium?

a.some; at b.any; at c.some; in d.any; on

)8.after lunch theyto the gift shoplots of gifts .

a.go; buy b.go; bought c.went; to buy d.went; bought

)9.__the end of last month, tinafirst prize.

a.in; won b.in; wins c.at; won d.at; wins

) took the bus back to school.

a. tired and happy b. exciting but happy c. tired but happy d. tiring and happy

( )11. -was there a concert yesterday

a. yes, there was. b.

yes, there were. c. no, there weren’t.

d. no, there was.

( )12. after i __my homework, i went to the aquarium .

a. am doing b. do c. does d. did

( )13. the students had fun __the school trip.

a. of b. for c. on d. with

( )14. the girl __to take walks __the rain.

a. like; on b. like; in c. likes; on d. likes; in

( )15. my father usually __a walk after dinner, but yesterday he __to visit my grandparents.

a. takes; goes b. takes; went c. took; goes d. took; went


1.i help my fatherthe car.

2.i went to the museum andsome souvenirs.

3.therean old temple(庙)on the top of the mountain in 1990.

4.last week imy aunt’s house .

5.wesome really clever kids when we were in their school.

6.toby did well in thecompetition..

7.hein california and worked as an actor.

8.after that, theythe bus back home.

9.whothe hat? tony did.

10.tinaa book about animals last week.


1. we came back to the office by bus. (对换线部分提问)

youback to the office?

2. we bought some souvenirs in the shop. (改为否定句)

wesouvenirs in the shop.

3. i did my homework yesterday. (改为否定句)

imy homework yesterday.

4. their family lived there for about 10 years. (对换线部分提问)

their family __there?

5. there were some clever seals at the aquarium. (改为一般疑问句)

clever seals at the aquarium?


1. 你的上个休息日怎么样? 很令人兴奋。

2. 我们**了一部关于居住在未来的电影。


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