
发布 2022-12-23 12:58:28 阅读 3152

unit 12 what’s the best radio station?

重点短语:close to 靠近。

radio station 广播电台。

by bus

comfortable seats 舒适的座位。

friendly service 友好的服务。

new movies 新影片。

close to home 靠近家。

in a fun part of town 在城镇好玩的地方(繁华的地方)

ask you some questions 问你一些问题。

in town 在城镇。

think about 考虑,思考。

do a survey 做调查。

as for 至于;关于。

go to sb. 归某人所得。

重点句型:jasper’s has best quality clothing. jasper服装店的服装质量最好。

can i ask you some question? 我能问你一些问题吗?

it has the friendliest service. 服务最好。

movie palace has the most comfortable seats. 电影宫殿有最舒适的座位。

i think teen world has the best service. 我认为青少年世界有最好的服务。

1. what’s the best radio station? 哪家广播电台最好?

radio station 广播电台。

radio n. 收音机;无线电;无线广播。

police are talking to each other by radio. 警察用无线电互相通话。

he bought a new radio last night. 他昨天买了台新收音机。

on the radio 在广播中。

i heard it on the radio. 我在广播中听到了这件事。

radio set 无线电收音机。

he bought a new radio set last week.

2. it’s the closest to home. 它离家最近。

close 是形容词,意为“近的”,其反义词是far,近义词是near。在表达“离……近”时,常用“(be) close to”结构。

the post office is close to my home. 邮局离我家很近。

the radio station is close to the park. 这个广播电台靠近公园。

close v. 关,关闭; 反义词为open

please close the windows before le**ing. 离开前请将窗户关上。

don’t close your eyes, please. 请不要闭上眼睛。

3. what’s the best movie theater? 最好的电影院是哪家?

best 是good, well 的最高级 – 反义词是worst

same is the best student in his class.

i learn english best in the morning. 我在造成学英语效果最好。

best adv.

which do you like best? 你最喜欢哪个?

he likes english best. 他最喜欢英语。

4. can i ask you some question?


can i see your watch, please? =could i see your watch, please?

can i sit here? =could i sit here?

yes, you can.

5. what’s the best clothing store in town? 在城镇里最好的服装店是哪家?

store n. 商店(美式)- 英式常用shop

there are all kinds of mooncakes in the store.

in town 在城镇里。


在城市里:in the city

在农村:in the country

do you like living in town or in the city?

6. why do you think so? 你为什么这么认为?

why do you do so? 你为什么这么做?

do you think he make a mistake? 你认为他犯错了吗?

i don’t think so.

i think so.

区别:i hope so. &i hope not.

7. we did a survey of our readers and this is what we learned.我们对我们的读者做了一个调查,这是我们了解到的情况。

do a survey of… =make a survey of… 做一个对……的调查。

we made/did a survey of our school students yesterday.

this is what we learned. 表语从句。

this is what we need.

that is why he left for japan.

that’s where i was born.

the problem is whether he will come.

8. it has really bad service. 它的服务真差 really这里做adv.

do you really want to go to beijing?

did he really say so?

9. as for radio stations, most people think that jazz 107.9fm is really great.

as for至于,就……而言。

as for you, i never want to see you in beijing again. 至于你,我再也不想在北京见到你了。

as for me, i h**e nothing to say. 至于我,我没什么可说的了。

10. i think we should go to… 我想我们应当去。

should 表建议“应该,必须”

i think we should go to see our english teacher.


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