八年级英语 上 语法 反身代词

发布 2022-12-23 12:59:28 阅读 5216


1. 定义:表示“某人自己;某人本身”的意思的代词叫反身代词。

2. 与人称代词、物主代词一样,反身代词也有人称及单复数的形式变化,具体形式及汉语意思见下表:




1. 反身代词在句子中常作实义动词或介词的宾语表示反射(指一个动作回到该动作执行者本身)。反身代词通常用于以下短语:

如:don’t play with the knife, you might hurt yourself. 不要玩刀子,那会割伤你的。

2. 在句中放于主语或宾语后作同位语表示强调(即用来加强名词或代词的语气)。如:

) don’t play with the knife. you may cut .

a. youb. yourc. yoursd. yourself

) he enjoyed __in the park.

a. heb. himc. hisd. himself

) lily was old enough to go to school by __

a. sheb. herc. herselfd. hers

) who taught you english last year? nobody taught me. i taught __

a. meb. myselfc. mined. i

) the little girl can dress now.

a. sheb. herc. hersd. herself

) who cleaned the classroom with you? -nobody. i cleaned it by .

a. meb. minec. myd. myself

the little boy learned to sing the song byhe).

i can’t find my ruler. can i useyou).

mr. green teacheswe) english this term.

mom, don’t worry aboutwe). we can look afterwe).



1. 定义:表示“某人自己;某人本身”的意思的代词叫反身代词。

2. 与人称代词、物主代词一样,反身代词也有人称及单复数的形式变化,具体形式及汉语意思见下表:




1. 反身代词在句子中常作实义动词或介词的宾语表示反射(指一个动作回到该动作执行者本身)。反身代词通常用于以下短语:

如:don’t play with the knife, you might hurt yourself. 不要玩刀子,那会割伤你的。

2. 在句中放于主语或宾语后作同位语表示强调(即用来加强名词或代词的语气)。如:

d ) don’t play with the knife. you may cut .

a. youb. yourc. yoursd. yourself

d ) he enjoyed __in the park.

a. heb. himc. hisd. himself

c ) lily was old enough to go to school by __

a. sheb. herc. herselfd. hers

b ) who taught you english last year? nobody taught me. i taught __

a. meb. myselfc. mined. i

d ) the little girl can dress now.

a. sheb. herc. hersd. herself

d ) who cleaned the classroom with you? -nobody. i cleaned it by .

a. meb. minec. myd. myself

the little boy learned to sing the song by himself (he).

i can’t find my ruler. can i use yours (you).

mr. green teaches us (we) english this term.

mom, don’t worry about us (we). we can look after ourselves (we).

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