
发布 2022-12-21 04:37:28 阅读 8874

英语八年级(下)unit 5复习案。

一、 重点词组。

1. h**e a great\good\wonderful time 玩得高兴 h**e fun doing 干…很快乐。

2. h**e a hard\difficult time doing 干某事有困难。

h**e problems\trouble doing

the bus to the party坐公交车去参加聚会。


a professional soccer player\athlete 成为一名职业球员\运动员。

to college上大学。

around the world环游世界。

like a dream job似乎像一份梦想中的工作。

able to make a living (by)doing sth 能够通过干某事谋生。

money to schools and charities 把钱捐给学校和慈善机构。

11. get injured\annoyed受伤\生气。

time with sb和某人一起度时光。

an education受教育。

food to the party把食物带到聚会上来。

to the old people’s home visit参观老年公寓。


1. be able to , can, could

be able to ,表示“能够,会”,有多种时态变化;can 与be able to同义,只有can, could 两种时态变化。

1).isee you after work next week.

2)._youcome tomorrow?

3).i couldn’t dress myself when i was 5 years old. (同意句)

imyself when i was 5 years old.

out\ be careful\ take care 当心、留神、小心。

watch out !there is a dog ahead (前面)。

2. if(反义词unless) 引导的条件状语(主将从现)用法同not…until, as soon as, when 引导的时间状语从句。

if引导的宾语从句,该用什么时态就用什么时态。用法同when 引导的宾语从句。

1).if it is fine tomorrow, we will h**e a picnic somewhere.

2).if he goes to england, he will h**e to learn english.

3).i don’t know if\when heif\when he___i will call you. (come)

4).if you __him tomorrow, please ask him if he___to work on the farm with us.

a. see, goes b. will see, goes c. will see, will go d. see, will go

5).he doesn’t tell me when he___i’ll telephone you as soon as he __

a. will come, comes b. comes, comes c. comes, will come d. will come, will come

6). has lucy gone to the usa? do you know? (合并为一句)

7). if your homeworkdo),you can watch tv.

8).i won’t go to jim’s party if he doesn’t invite my sister.(同义句)

i won’t go to jim’s party __he __my sister.

i won’t go to jim’s party __my sister __

sb(not) to do ,请某人(不要)做某事

tell sb (not) to do 告诉某人(不要)做某事。

1).mom told me to go to bed early. 妈妈告诉我早点睡觉。

2). don’t drive on the left.” the policeman said to the young man.( 合并为一句)

the policeman __the young manon the left.

3). ito le**e early, or i won’t catch the early bus. (tell)

pay for, cost ,take

it will take the workers half a year to build the building. (同义句)

the workershalf a year __the building.

i paid 50 yuan for the dictionary last week. (同义句)

the dictionary50 yuan. i __50 yuan __the dictionary.

tv too much is bad for your eyes.(同义句)

___bad __for youtv too much.

will be better tomorrow. he will go with us. (合并为一句)


teachermy mobile phone because i used it in class.(拿走)

you __the games for the class party?(组织)

i不打扫)my room, my mother不让)

me meet my friends.

i eatlunch, i will h**e a stomachache.(太多)

5.__amight seem like a dream job. (成为一名职业运动员)

全世界)will know you.

you become rich, you will h**e a difficult time __知道)who your real friends are.

8. if you do, the teachers won’t让你进)

radio is声音太大),please ask her


发生什么事)if they h**e the party tomorrow?


after a quick breakfast, i went into the lecture hall in a hurry. a famous teacher was __1___to the students. he was holding up a $100 bill.

then he said to the three hundred students, “who would like this $ 100 bill?” the students put up __2___hands at once. then he said, “i am going to give this $100 to one of you, but __3__,let me do this.

’’he made the bill into a ball. then he said, “who __4___it now?” the hands went back into the air.

“well,” he said, “what if i do this?” and he __5___it on the floor and stepped on it. he picked up the _ 6__bill and said, “who still wants it?

” hands went back again into the air.


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