
发布 2022-12-10 23:01:28 阅读 2006

八年级下unit7 would you mind turning down the music? 学案。


成员: 黄少炳、陈业焕、周小娟、庞秋月、李丽琴、蔡翠琴、刘婷、杜荣艳、陈泽恋、刘宇、马晓慧。

section a period one (1a-2c)


知识目标: mind, turn down, yard, move your bike, right away, not at all

句型:1. would you mind doing the dishes?

turning down the music?

no, not at all./ ok, i’ll do it right away. /sorry,i’ll do it in a minute.

2. would you mind not sleeping late

not wearing old jeans?

—i’m sorry. i won’t do it again.

能力目标:理解并正确运用“would you mind…” could you…”句型,向某人提出请求,并能作出回答。

必做题。一. 英汉互译:

1.介意做某事 __2.院子 __3.把…调低4.立刻 __on __

6.一点也不7.移动自行车8. in a minute___pair___


1. i h**e to clean the y___before breakfast.

2. would you mind w___the dishes?

3.— don’t wear those old jeans. they look tok, i’ll put on a___pair.

4. could you please m___your bike?

5. she is getting out __the car.


you mindclean) your room? 2. could you pleaseclean) your room?

3. why don’t youclean) your room? 4. why notclean) your room?

5. pleaseclean) your room.

6. you’d betterclean) your room.

7. would you likeclean) your room?


1.— 把你的电视音量调小些好吗?— 对不起,我马上做。

---would you mindyour tv? it’s too noisy.--i’m sorry. i’ll do it

2.—请别穿那条旧牛仔裤好吗? —好的,我会穿另一条的。

---would mindthose old jeans?

3.—请你从洗手间里出来好吗? —好的,我立刻就出来。

---couldyou pleasethe washroom? -ok. i’ll do it

section a period two (3a-4)


知识目标be at a meeting / h**e a meeting, go to a movie, help me make dinner, no problem

help me with my homework, babysit your little cousin, make posters, school open day

句型:would you mind… could you please… h**e to … please …




1. 在开会2. 调低电视。

3. 照顾你的小堂弟4. no problem

5. make posters6. school open day


1. sorry, i’ll do it2. i h**e toevery day.

3. ok, i’llanother pair of jeans. 4. i’llin a minute.

5. could youfor our company? 6. my mother told me toafter dinner.

7. her aunt asked her tolast sunday morning.

8. would you pleaselinda is answering the telephone.

9. would you mindto me? i want to go to my friend’s party.

oftenfor my parents because i’m good at cooking.

选做题。 ) 1. would you please __smoke in the office?

a. don’t b. not c. not to d. won’t

) 2. can you help me __my english?

a. for b. with c. on d. in

) 3is bad for your health. please give it up.

a. smoke b. smoking c. smokes d. smoked

) 4. she her english book at home.

a. lostb. forgotc. leftd. le**e

) coat is too small for me. please show me __one.

a. other b. the other c. some otherd. another

) 6. -may i smoke here?

a. yes, pleaseb. yes, you must c. no, you may d. i’m afraid so


a: would you mindwatching tv this evening? you h**e to help me.

b: ok, aunt. i'llthe tvwhat can i do for you?

a: could youyour little cousin? i h**e to get some milk for your cousin.

b: suremy listening to music with my cousin?

a: noi’ll be back

section b period three (1a-2c)


知识目标 complain about something waitress bought bring sth. to sb.=bring sb. sth.

sth. doesn’t/did’t work solution

句型:the pen you bought didn’t work




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