
发布 2022-12-18 14:25:28 阅读 8814

try to do 试着去做

complain about doing sth.抱怨做某事seem to do

comparing…with 把…与…做比较think for 为…着想

find it +adj.+to do sth.发现做某事很怎样learn to do 学会做某事

八年级下 unit 3

barber shop 理发店

get out 出去

take off 起飞

train station 火车站

come in 进来

beijing international airport北京国际机场

hear about 听说

take place 发生

world trade center世界**中心as…as 和…一样

in front of 在…的前面

clean my room打扫我的房间

sleep late 睡懒觉

make a smooth做思木西

cook dinner 做晚饭

eat lunch 吃中午饭

cut hair 剪头发


in the morning 在早晨

walk down 走下来

very surprised 非常惊奇

souvenir shop 纪念品商店

tv station 电视台

in the museum 在博物馆

climb a tree 爬树

jump down 跳下

take a photo 照相

called the police报警

rode his bicycle 骑自行车buy a news*****买一份报纸

run away 逃跑

think about 考虑…做某事

for example 举例子

heard about 听说

h**ing fun 玩的高兴

in silence 在…

told us 告诉我们

in space 在太空

over the world遍及全世界

became famous因…而出名

next to 挨着

1. arrive at/in

2. a tv reporter

3. in front of

4. in the front of

5. get out of

6. sleep late

7. in(at) the library8. the museum of flight9. buy a souvenir

10. call the police

11. call the tv station12. call the news*****13. take off

14. an unusual experience15. jump down from

16. take photos of

17. too scared

18. walk to school

19. in the tree

20. on the tree

21. police officer

22. at the doctor’s

23. go shopping( do some shopping)24. a barber shop

25. on/in the playground26. ten minutes ago

27. in silence

28. keep silent/quiet29. take place

30. become a national hero31. become/be famous for32.

become/be famous as33. all over the world (in the world)

34. in turn

35. h**e fun (enjoy oneself)36. on the moon

37. be murdered

38. be destroyed

39. on this day

40. hear about/of

41. be born

42. cut hair ( h**e one’s cut)八年级下 unit 5

h**e a great time玩的高兴let in ` 进来

stay at home 呆在家

help sb. (to) do sth..帮助某人做某事take away 拿走

ask sb. to sth

at the party 在晚会上

go to college 去大学

be\become famous变的有名

tr**el around the world环游世界make money 挣钱

work hard 努力工作

a professional soccer player一名职业足球运动员

seem like 看起来像

make a living 谋生

all over the world世界各地give money to 捐钱

all the time 一直

for a living 为```谋生

get injured 受伤

in fact 事实上

be able to 能够

be going to

spend time 消磨时间

too much 太多

laugh at 笑话某人

go back

in order 为了```

八年级下 unit 9

be late for 迟到

look like 看起来象

in order 按顺序

by noon 到中午为止

on the weekend 在周末

h**e a good day!玩的愉快

looking through 浏览

waiting inline 排队

really low 降低

tell sb. about yourself告诉某人有关你的事a ball game fan 球迷

be friendly to sb.对某人友好feel like 感觉像

a friend like you 像你一样的朋友get along 相处

thanks for 因……而感谢

ask sb. to do sth.要求某人做某事go with me 和我一起去

think of 想起

le**e early 早早离开

at least 至少

be careful 小心

八年纪下册 unit 10

most of 大多数

make sb. laugh让某人笑

like to do 喜欢做某事

like doing

both like 都喜欢

the same like 和```一样

for me 对我来说

get the job 上班

enjoy doing sth


unit 2 i ll help to clean up the city parks 基础知识讲解。1.clean up 打扫或清处干净 clean v.使清洁,变干净 adj.清洁的,干净的。clean away 除去 clean clothes 干净的衣服 clean night 明亮的夜晚。...


unit 2 what should i do section a 1.争论与 吵架。eg 我昨天和我的父母吵架了。2.错误的eg 怎么了。我的自行车出毛病了。3.样式,款式流行的过时的。eg 我的衣服过时了。3.给 打 eg 也许你应该给它打个 4.票一张球赛的票。5.使吃惊使某人吃惊使某人吃惊的...


unit 7 1.与 一样大。2.最古老的国家之一。3.随意地做某事。4.据我所知。5.人造物体。6.的组成部分。7.最高的山脉。8.在世界上。9.其他任何一座山。10.冰冻的天气。11.呼吸空气。12.第一个做某事的人。13.面临危险。14放弃做某事。15.实现某人的梦想。16到达顶峰。17虽然 ...