
发布 2022-12-18 14:22:28 阅读 4234

unit 1 will people h**e robots?

period 1 section a 1a-1c time


1、单词 2、will表示将来时的用法。

3、能力目标: 掌握一般将来时的用法。




1.将,会,要 2.机器人 3.每件事物

4.纸,纸张 5.使用6.再过五年

二)1a, read these predictions. finish off the questions.

三) 1b. listen and circle the predictions you hear in activity.

四)1c. ask and answer questions about the predictions in activity 1a.

六)ask the students to ask and answer.


will(将要)表示将来,用于一般将来时。结构:will +动词原形:

表达将来在某一时间内要发生,或将要发生的动作或状态。(当主语第一人称时,一般用___代替will;当主语为其他人称时,用will,但主语为第一人称时,也可以用will)如: we will/shall h**e a good winter vacation.


缩写形式: 'll ==shall/will 否定形式可缩写为shan't will not==

句型 be(在…有…)句型的一般将来时;

肯定句:there will be+名词+地点否定句:there名词+地点。

疑问句:__there be+名词+地点? yes, there will. no, there won’t.

thererobots in people’s home.(在人们的家里将会有机器人)

peoplebe 200 years old.(人们将活到两百岁)

动词的一般将来时;肯定句:主语+will/shall be+名词/形容词/介词短语。

否定句:主语+won’t/shan’t be +名词/形容词/介词短语。

疑问句:will/shall+主语+ be+名词/形容词/介词短语?

everything will be free.(所有东西都将是免费的。)

books will only be书籍将仅仅出现在电脑上。)

she will be a doctor in ten years.(十年后,她将成为医生。)


比较:请把带●的句子改写成用be going to表将来句子。

时间状语: tomorrow(明天), the day after tomorrow(后天), next…(下个…),soon(不久), one day(某天), from now on(从今后), in…(‘s time)(在…时间之后),in the future(在将来)等。





1. these days everyone ucomputers to do a lot of things.

2. i don’t a with him. 3. there are a lot of in our city.( 图书馆 )

4. i hope there will be more r to work for us in the future.

5. we’ll h**e more free time to play s___运动)


father will live __be) 150 years old.

2. he __be) a teacher when he grow up.

3. maybe he wants to goskate).

4. i believe that in ten years i will work forme)

arehundred) of people on the ground.

6. therenot) be any ***** books. everyone will h**e books on computers.

7. we all wantpredict) the future of ourselves.

8. where do you think sallywork)in ten years?

9. the boyfly) to new york two days ago, and he’ll be back soon.

10be) you at school yesterday evening? we had an exciting party.

11. does he alwayslive) alone? i don’t know.

12. -where is mr. lu? -i’m not sure. _he __write) in his office?

13. could you pleasebuy) some snacks for me?

14. when i grow up, ibe) a famous pilot.

15. my friend liz oftenwash) her clothes on wednesday.

iii. choose the right answer.

1. i __rockets to the moon when i grow up.

a. will putb will fly c. will take

2. if there are __trees, the air in our city will be __cleaner.

a. less more b. more; more c. more; much

3. i predict he will be an engineer __ten years because he is so interested in ****** things. a.

in b. after c .later

___free in the future.

a. will be b. will is c. will to be d. is

the future, people will __200 years old.

a. lives b. live to c. live to be .d. live be


period 2 section a 2a-2c time


1、vocabulary: fewer ,pollution,tree ,she’ll, 2、pattern: fewer 与less的用法,3、能力目标:


二、学习的重难点:fewer 与less的用法,三、学习过程:

1. 你能顺利的写出这些单词或短语吗?试试看。

1).污染2).较少的,更少的 3).树,树木

4).建筑物,楼房 5)拥挤的(6)地铁___

2、 and circle the words you hear.

3、explain how to use fewer and less.

fewer 与less的用法。


1、few, a few, little, a little, much, many

few和a few修饰或代替复数few表示___意义,a few表示肯定意义;little和a little修饰或代替little表示否定意义,a little表示。

可数名词和不可数名词前都可用some, any, a lot of, lots of 等修饰。可数名词表示不确定数量时,用a few, few,many修饰,-提问数量时用___不可数名词表示不确定数量时,用a little, little,much 修饰, 提问数量时,用___

2 .对表示数量的形容词比较级的运用:






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