
发布 2022-12-18 14:34:28 阅读 2998

unit1 where did you go on vacation?

学习目标】1.理解并掌握something, anything, nothing, everything, everyone,

anyone, no one等复合不定代词的用法。





学习过程】一。课前预习 (自主预习2d-3c并找出下列短语)





1. read 2d and role-play the conversation.

2. read grammar focus.

3. finish 3a and 3b.

4. finish 3c. (ask questions in groups and tell the class your results.)


1. did you go anywhere interesting?

句中的anywhere是___词, 同类词还有。


eg. 一些安静的地方。

2. we took quite a few photos there.

quite a few 意为修饰。

区别a few/few

eg. there are a few books on the table.

i’m new here, i h**e few friends.

总结:a few意为表肯定/否定),修饰。



课堂检测】一。 单选。

1. _went to the mountains yesterday because of the bad weather.

a. someone b. no one c. everyone d. nothing

2. don’t worry about me. i’m old enough to think for___

a. himself b. herself c. yourself d. myself

3. there are___students in the classroom and they are doing their homework.

a. few b. a few c. little d. a little

4. the teacher seemedangry because most of us didn’t finish our homework.

a. to b. to do c. to be d. to was

5. the pizza __good. i’d like some more.

a. turns b. sounds c. feels d. tastes

6. after a long walk in the sun, they wanted to drink

a. cold somethingb. something cold

c. nothing coldd. cold anything

7. they visited the museum and everyone __very happy.

a. are b. were c. is d. was

8. the bus trip was very

a. relaxing b. relax c. relaxed d. relaxes


1. 我昨天去购物了,但我什么也没给自己买。

yesterday ibut i boughtfor __

2. 大雨过后,每个人似乎都很烦闷。

___seemedafter the he**y rain.

3. 今晚没太多事可做。

there __nothing muchtonight.

4. —昨晚她做了什么? —她为她爸爸买了东西。

she do last night?

shefor her father.


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