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八年级(下)英语导学案unit1 what’s the matter? section a 1a—2d


知识目标: 1. 掌握人体部位及身体症状的单词。

2. 掌握下列句型 --what’s the matter (with you)?-i h**e a …

-- what’s the matter with her/him? -she/he has a…

you should ….you shouldn’t ….





key & difficult points】


learning procedure】

i. pre-class

1. 翻译下列短语。

1) 感冒2) 胃疼 3) 喉咙痛。

4) 躺下5) 加有蜂蜜的热茶6) 头疼。

7) 量体温8) 躺下休息9) 看牙医。

10)做一个x光检查11) 割伤自己。

12) 发烧13) 整个周末 14)去看医生。

2. 知识超市:

1) matter为可数名词,意为“毛病;麻烦事”,通常用于句型what’s the matter (with sb)?中。该问句常用来询问某人患了何种疾病或遇到了何种麻烦。

eg: what’s the matter with him? 他怎么了?he has a headache. 他头痛。


eg: it doesn’t matter. 没有关系。

2. learning the new knowledge


活动: work in pairs)

2)利用多**举一反三,引出what’s the matter with him/her,并提出自己的建议。 (活动:work in groups)

3) 听录音,完成1b、2a和2b.


3. 当堂检测:

1) 根据句意及首字母提示完成单词。

. -what’s the mwith jenny?

---she has a cough and a headache.

.he’s very tired. he s lie down and rest.

.i can’t sleep well all the time. can you give me some a .

.most people work until they are 60 or 65 years old. then they retired(退休) and h**e a lot of f time.

my sister has a fshe should be taken to the hospital.


my brother doesn’t feel well. he must休息).

little boy, if you牙疼), you should see a dentist.

m y sister has a bad cold and she高烧).

this morning mary ate something bad. so she胃疼).

jim喉咙疼), so he must drink water and must h**e a good rest.

4. 小结:

iii. post-class

1. 编一个询问病情并给出建议的对话。

2. 收获与反思。

blackboard design】

unit1 what’s the matter?

what’s the mattersore

i h**e a cold / headache / toothacheache

fever /sore throat.

you should/shouldn’t…

my … hurts.

2) i h**e a cold. 我感冒了。

此处 h**e 为及物动词,意为“患(病);遭受(病痛)”h**e a cold 意为。


eg: he had a bad cold last week.他上个星期患了重感冒。

cold作不可数名词,意为“冷,寒冷”,eg: don’t stand outside in the cold.不要站在外面寒冷的地方。


eg: it’s very cold today, 今天很冷。

3) i think you should lie down and rest.我认为你应该躺下休息。

lie (lay, lying)此处为不及物动词,意为“躺;卧”。

eg: don’t lie in bed all morning.不要一上午都躺在床上。


eg: you are lying to me. 你在对我撒谎。


eg: the hens are not laying well at the moment.现在那些鸡不爱下蛋。

4)词语辨析sore, ache

sore, ache都可以表示身体疼痛,sore为形容词,后接表示身体部位的名词。

eg: h**e a sore throat喉咙痛 h**e a sore back 背痛。


5)rest 放松休息。


eg: you should rest for a few days.


h**e/take a rest=h**e /take a break

6)复习advice need和enough的用法。

5. 复习提问关于身体部位的名词。

unit1 what’s the matter? section a 3a—3c (阅读课)


知识目标: 掌握本课的9个新单词。

能力目标: 用推理判断法去解阅读理解题。

情感目标: 通过学习应学会主动救人,救人不容考虑的社会价值观。

学习策略: 通过复述课文去掌握重要语言点。

文化意识: 要主动去救助别人,人人都献出一点爱,我们的社会将变成美好的人间。

key & difficult points】


learning procedure】

i. pre-class

1. 翻译下列短语



2. 知识超市:

⑴ get off 下车动副结构。

⑵ happen 发生 something happens to somebody


碰巧 happen to do something 碰巧做某事。

⑶ to one’s surprise 使某人感到惊讶的是。

agree to do something 同意做某事。

thanks to 多亏……

ii. while-class

1. 导入新课。

when someone is in trouble, what do you usually do? do you go at once as if it didn’t happen or help him/her without thinking? now, next please read the passage and see what the driver and passengers did?

2. learning the new knowledge:

读文章,完成3b。⑵讲解文章所及知识点。 ⑶小组讨论3c。

3. 当堂检测:


3. the bus mustn’t carry too many

that’s a good idea. i with you. ⑵用所给词的适当形式填空。

① he saw a walletlie) on the ground on his way to school.

we can’t visit others without (call) first.

③ to his (surprise), we were still waiting for him.


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