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冀教版英语八年级下册学案lesson 1--7

lesson 1


1. after taking a淋浴), he went to bed.

2. i think it’s going to rain. can you hear the雷)?

3. did you watch the日出) on the top of mountain tai?

4. we all know the sun落下) in the west.

5. the sun was升起) when we reached the school.

. 按要求转换句型。

6. it will be snowy the day after tomorrow. (改为同义句)

therethe day after tomorrow.

7. it will be rainy tomorrow. (改为反意疑问句)

it will be rainy tomorrow

8. what’s the weather like today? (改为同义句)

the weather today?

9. there was a storm yesterday. (用tomorrow 替换yesterday改写此句)

a storm tomorrow.

10. the weather is very warm today. (改为感叹句)

the weather is today!

. 根据汉语意思完成下列句子,每空一词。

11. 那位气象员正在广播。

the weather reporter is

12. 女孩们通常害怕狗。

girls are usuallydogs.

13. 汤姆下楼去拿了张报纸。

tomthe stairs and brought a news*****.

14. 请告诉我她今天什么时候起床的。

please tell meup today.

15. 今天多少度?


lesson 2

巩固训练。. 根据句意用适当的介词填空。

1. it’s very hotsummer here.

2. new year’s day isjanuary 1.

3. we usually get upsix fifteen every morning.

4. please go to schoolbike.

5. my birthday ismay.

6. april fools’ day isapril the first.

7. do you know the temperaturethe water in the jar?

8. in winter, people feel comfortablethe sun.

9. it began to snowaround 10:00 last night.

10. spring comessummer.

. 根据答句写出问句。

it’s rather cool in our city in summer.

it’s march 22nd today.

spring usually begins in march here.

i like autumn because it’s the harvest time.

. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。

when spring comes, the weather gets warmer. snow 15melt), and flowers begin to come out. the days are 16long) and the 17night) are shorter.

the daylight 18last) for about twelve hours. after it 19rain), trees turn green. and everything 20look) clean and fresh.

what a beautiful spring scene!

lesson 3

. 用until完成下列句子。

1. 到7点钟你才可以离开这里。


2. 乔治直到他妈妈下班回来后才写作业。

georgehis mother came back from work.

3. 詹妮等你一直等到天黑。

jennyfor youit was dark.

4. 我打算一直呆到星期一。

i’m going to

5. 请等公交车停了再下车。

please don’t get off the busit

. 用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。

6. peterme a postcard last week and it was very beautiful. (send)

7. i saw some boysfootball when i walked past the playground. (play)

8. in our hometown, it alwaysin december and january. (snow)

9. he says heback in a week. (be)

10. everyone in our classroomspring (like)

11. lisa is scared ofat home alone at night. (stay)

12. the best timeto the usa is spring. (go)

13. my best friend likes taking photos of autumnleaf)

14. it might be cold in the evening. please rememberwarm clothes. (wear)

15. i think the weather will be much __tomorrow. (cool)

lesson 5

. 用适当的介词填空。

1. shall we go cycling __school?

2. this ball is different __that one.

3. what __going skating this sunday afternoon?

4. the sunshine is very strong. don’t read __the sun.

5. when i walked to school yesterday, a ball hit me __the head.

. 从方框中选择适当的单词,并用其适当形式填空。

kick rather need fly break

6. mum, my jacket is too old. ia new one.

7. the weather today is __warm. we can play outside.

8. peter always __the door open.

9. i had to walk to school this morning, because imy bike yesterday.


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