
发布 2022-10-23 05:31:28 阅读 7903

unit2 what should i do?

new words and expressions

keep out 不让…进入 play** argue争吵,争论 style风格,款式 out of style过时的。

call sb up打**给… ticket票 surprise v.使惊奇,使意外 on the phone用**交谈。

what’s the matter? 怎么呢? pay for付…账,付买…的钱 part-time job兼职工作 okay好的。

bake v.烤,烘 tutor家庭教师,导师 original新颖的 the same as和…一样的 haircut理发。

in style时髦的,流行的 except除…之外 upset沮丧的,心烦的 fail v.失败 get on相处,进展。

fit v.适合 fit…into…找到时间(做某事) as…as possible尽可能… pressure n.压力 include包含。

complain v.抱怨,埋怨 pushy adj.固执的,一意孤行的 push推 all kinds of 各种各样的。

compare v.比较 crazy疯狂的,狂热的 adult成年人 on the one hand一方面。

organized有组织的 on the other hand另一方面 freedom自由。

grammar focus: should的用法。

1. should作情态动词,表示建议,劝告,意思是”应该”, 它和其他情态动词一样,没有人称和数的变化,后跟动词的原形eg. maybe he should say sorry to you.

2. should还可以表示要求,命令eg. you should listen to the teacher carefully in class.

3. should还可以表示**,可能eg. the dictionary should be in the reading room.

一。 like/as


eg. like lei feng he did a lot of good thingshe drinks like a fish.

i h**e a new coat like yours.

as指”身份或资格”等, 意为”作为/看作”, 用于说明同一关系,即两者实为一体。 后接名词,代词,从句。

eg. as a young man you should study hardhe works as a doctor.

do it as i told youi h**e the same idea as you do.

二。 except, besides, but

except表”除…之外(没有…)”表示一种排除关系。 eg. they all went to sleep except john. (不包括john)

besides表” 除…之外(还有…)”表示一种包含和累加的关系。

eg. lucy likes reading besides us. (还包括我们)

but表示”除了”时,只用于everybody, nothing等词后。

eg. there is nothing but a card in the boxeverybody is here but mary.

三。 get on well (with)= get along well (with) 与…相处愉快/融洽。

eg. the students get on/along well with each other.

四。 take part in/join/join in/attend

take part in多指参加(活动/会议/考试/竞赛)等, eg. do you take part in the sports meeting?

join指加入团体,组织等,并成为其中的一员,如参军/入团/入党等。 eg. he joined the party last year.

join in强调参加正在进行的活动,如比赛,娱乐,谈话等。 常和take part in互换。

eg. they joined/ took part in the game. would you like to join us in playing soccer?


eg. she is going to attend an important meeting.

五。 too much/much too/too many

too much+不可数名词eg. you can’t eat too much ice cream.

还可以放在名词之后,修饰动词。 eg. he talks too much.

much too修饰形容词或副词 eg. the coat is much too old.

too many+可数名词复数 eg. there are too many people in the shop.

tell me why歌词及中文意思

in my dream, children sing . a song of love for every boy and girl.

the sky is blue and fields are green. and laughter is the language of the world.

then i wake and all i see, is a world full of people in need.

tell me why(why) does it h**e to be like this? tell me why (why) is there something i h**e missed?

tell me why (why) cause i don't understand.

when so many need somebody, we don't give a helping hand. tell me why?

everyday i ask myself. what will i h**e to do to be a man?

do i h**e to stand and fight, to prove to everybody who i am?

is that what my life is for, to waste in a world full of war?

tell me why(why) does it h**e to be like this? tell me why (why) is there something i h**e missed?

tell me why (why) cause i don't understand.

when so many need somebody, we don't give a helping hand. tell me why?

tell me why? tell me why? tell me why? tell me why? just tell me why, why, why? …

tell me why (why, why does the tiger run) tell me why(why, why do we shoot the gun)

tell me why (why, why do we never learn) can someone tell us why we let the forest burn?

why, why do we say we caretell me why(why, why do we stand and stare)

tell me why(why, why do the dolphins cry) can some one tell us why we let the ocean die?

why, why if we're all the sametell me why(why, why do we pass the blame)

tell me why (why, why does it never end) can some one tell us why we cannot just be friends




然而当我醒来看到的却是一个满布穷苦的世界告诉我这一切为什么会变成这样 ..




告诉我为什么?(为什么,为什么,老虎要逃离家园?) 告诉我为什么?(为什么,为什么我们要端枪射击谁?)

告诉我为什么?(我从来没被教过生存是这样残忍) 难道大人们,你们没有人告诉我们为什么让森林忍受炮火煎熬。


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