英语人教版八年级下册下 unit8 unit10 复习

发布 2022-12-30 13:00:28 阅读 6057

课题:2016 ~2017学年度第二学期。




u8h**e you readtreasure islandyet?

教学目标。unit 9h**e you ever been to a museum?unit 10i've had this bikefor three years.







u8h**e you readtreasure islandyet?

can see some of the ship’s珠宝) at the


2. zixin likes to read the __名著) such astreasure island.3.

the factory is d___理当)to be pulled down(拆除) next year.4. sugar is an important crop on the __岛).

5. turn to p___15 and let’s look at the passage.6.

boxian, _up, or you will be late.7. yuchao ran朝着)his mom at once.

8. yinwen’s hometown is hunan省)

unit 9h**e you ever been to a museum?

1. jiaxin’s name is on the book, so it __属于)to him.2.

m___of(许多的) people go abroad every year.3. what __别的) would you like?

4. hainan island is in the南方的) part of china.5.

liting works hard. her __成功)is due.6.

this is the musician’s first __唱片)


7. i hope that we are good friends __永远).8. please介绍) yourself to us.

unit 10i've had this bikefor three years.

book costs 75分)

home has three卧室).3. the bread maker is不再) used.4. i’ve never __拥有) a bike。

5. we live close to the铁路) line.6. i want to buy a __照相机).

7. for某种) reasons i will beunable to attend the meeting.

like you to give me an __诚实的) answer.

9. i only stayed for a short __一会儿).10. are you being quitehonest同义)with me?

复习目标二检测词汇去过h**e been to听说hear of事实上in fact

全世界around / all over the world一直all the time

结束做某事end up doing

一个讲英语的国家an english-speaking country提高你的英语improve your english一些不同的地方somewhere different数以千计的,许多的thousands of庭院拍卖会yard sale

有需要的人们people in need不再,再也不not … anymore几个a couple of/several检查,查看check out

一点儿,稍微a(little)bit清理,打扫clear out/ clean up

他的四十岁生日his fortieth birthday交出,舍弃part with对于,至于as for

fight over/argue with为…争吵(与…争吵)return/come home回家on the radio在收音机上come to realize逐渐认识到ever since自从。。。以来such as例如belong to属于。

one another / each other互相,彼此听说hear of / about出去go out充满be full of长大grow up快点hurry up等待wait for

由于(to是介词(理应+do)due to, because of, thanks to带回来bring back把。放下put down砍倒cut down

杀死…作为食物kill … for food还有谁who else朝…跑run towards搜寻,寻找search for

一个18岁的男孩an 18-year-old boy回家return home

真遗憾!it’s a shame!依照,按照according to甜蜜的回忆sweet memories接近,几乎close to到目前为止so far


1.肯定句:主语+ h**e / has +过去分词+其他。

2.否定句主语+ h**e / has + not +过去分词+其他。3.

一般疑问句h**e/ has +主语+过去分词+其他?

-yes,主语+h**e/has. /no,主语+h**en’t/hasn’t.

4.时间状语: already, yet, just, ever, never, before , twice, sofar, in the past few years, by this time, for+一段时间,since+时间点, since+一段时间+ago, since+过去式的句子…非延续性动词和延续性动词之间的转换。

现在完成时中,非延续性动词需要转换为相应的延续性动词。buy/bought———h**e hadborrow/borrowed——h**e kept

arrive/arrived——h**e been in / atle**e/left——h**e been awayopen——h**e been openjoin——h**e been in

begin/start --h**e been on


h**e been toh**e gone toh**e been in



1. bothhisparentslooksad .maybe

they___what'shappenedtohim .

.knewb.h**e knownc.must know

2. yuxinghas___beentoshanghai , hashe ?aalreadyb.

neverc.ever3. the famous writer __one new book inthe past two year


4. -our country___a lot so far .-yes . i hope it will be even __

. haschanged ; wellb.changed ; betterc. haschanged ; better

5. zhangfan __already___in thisschool for over two years .awas;studyingb.

will;studyc. has ; studied6. we __yuqin since she was a little girl.

. knowb.hadknownc. h**eknown

7. harry potter is a very nice film .i___it twice .


8.–these farmers h**e been to the unitedstates.

really ? when __there ?

. willtheygob.didtheygoc.h**etheygone9.–wu di,__you __yourhomeworkyet ?

- yes . i __itamomentago .adid ; do ; finishedb.h**e ; done ; finished

.h**e ; done ; h**efinished

1998 .ajoinedb.has joinedc.hasbeenin11. -do you know yuting well ?

-sure .wefriends since sixyears ago .

.h**e madeb. h**e beenc. h**e become

12.--how long h**e you___here,haibo ?-for about two months .


13. hurryup! _for tenminutes.


14. it___ten years since liting’s brother left the army .aisb.hasc.was

15. misschenisn'tintheoffice . she___tothelibrary .

.hasgoneb. wentc.hasbeen

16. taolin and caoyu h**e cleaned the classrooma. so theyb. didn’t theyc. h**en't they

17has mr. white been a member of greener china sincehe___to china?

soon, cameb. how often, got

c. how long, came

18. zhuoneng’ uncle___for more than 9 has left the universityb. has started to work

lived there二、作文范文。






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