
发布 2022-11-12 04:54:28 阅读 1983

unit 3 are you kitty?

step 1 作业检查及复习。

step 2 language points 知识点。


1.出示kitty的**,介绍kitty,引出单词girl。如果是女孩子就请她说i’m a girl.

t:(point to kitty in the picture)this is kitty.

kitty is a girl. girl.

point to some girls in the class) …is a girl. …is a girl too. girl.


t:girls,please stand up and say “i’m a girl”.

s: i’m a girl.

2.出示joe和peter的**,引出单词boy,如果是男生就请他说i’m a boy.

t:(show joe’s picture)a girl?

ss: no.

t:joe is a boy. boy.

ss: (point to a boy in the class) …is a boy. …is a boy

ss: boy.

t:boys,please stand up and say “i’m a boy”.

presentation and practice(口语练习、反复对话)

1) 单词:boy男孩; girl女孩; am 是; no不,不是; not不是;

yes是,对; wolf狼; sheep 绵羊。

2) 字母及其书写:e e;f f

3) 基本句型:

1. are you kitty? 你是kitty 吗?

2. yes, i am. 是的,我是。

3. no, i’m not. 不,我不是。

4. you’re a girl. 你是一个女孩。

5. you’re not a sheep. 你不是一只绵羊。

6. i’m not...我不是。


listen and say

are you kitty? —no, i’m not. i’m alice.

are you kitty?—yes, i am.

are you miss fang?—yes, i am.

look and learn

are you a girl?

yes, i am.

are you mary?

no, i’m not.

are you lily?

yes, i am.

step 3: 语言点。

1. 人名前面通常没有a(一个),而普通的名字前面如girl,sheep等前面要加a.如:

are you a girl? 你是一个女孩吗? are you kitty?


2. no 和 not 的区别:no 可以单独使用,表示否定回答。not 只能放在am,is,are等单词后面,表示否定的含义。

3. 一般疑问句are you...用来确认别人的名字和性别,并用yes, i am.

或 no,i’m not.做相应的回答。在肯定回答yes, i am.

中不能把 i am 缩写成i’m. 而否定回答中一般都用缩写形式,即no, i’m not.

step 4: practice


g __rb __y y __s nn__ t

__ ou than __a __ei___e __irl


1. hellokitty.

2. good __miss fang.

3. i’mthank you.

4. how are

5. –goodbye, alicemr li.


) 1. –hello, i’m peter.

-__i’ joe.

a. hello b. yes c. how

) 2.__you dolly ?

a. is b. am c. are

i’m fine. thank you.

a. what’s your name ? b. how are you ? how old are you ?

) 4. i’m __a boy.

a. not b. no c. isn’t

) 5lily.

good morning, tom.

a. hi b. good bye c. good morning

四、 从方框中选出下列各句的答语。

) 1. good morning, mrs zhang.

) 2. how are you ?

) 3. hello! i’m kitty.

) 4. are you a boy ?

) 5. goodbye.

五。 根据汉语意思在正确的句子后面打√。

1. 你好,爱丽丝。

a . hello, aliceb. hello, i’m alice. (

2. 再见,彼特。

a. good morning, peterb. goodbye, peter. (

3. 你好吗?

a. how are youb. are you a girl ?

4. 我是一只猫。

a. i’m a catb. you’re a cat. (

5. 我不是方小姐。

a. i’m not mrs fang. (b. i’m not miss fang. (


hello, i’m joe. i’m a boy. i’m nine years old.

linda is my friend (朋友). she’s a girl. she’s eight years old.

miss li is my english teacher. she’s very pretty (漂亮)。


)1. joe is a boy.

( )2. linda is a boy, too.

( )3. linda is eight years old.

( )4. linda is not joe’s friend.

( )5. miss li is a teacher.

step 5 homework/家庭作业。

1、 以正确格式写出字母e和f(大小写各5遍)

答案。一、 i l o e o o y k r f n g

二、i’m morning fine you goodbye

三、 acbac

四、 dcaeb

五、 abaab

六、 tftft


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