
发布 2022-07-31 19:43:28 阅读 4125

unit 10 by the time i got outside , the bus had already left .

section b (1a ~ 2c)

课时: 总79课时备课: 刘凤艳姓名时间 批阅:

学习目标】1.词汇:fool costume embarrassed empty show up exhausted pril fool’s day




3. 学会运用过去完成时和过去时谈论尴尬的事情。




1).our hometown has c___a lot in the last few years .

2).don’t forget to l___the door when you le**e .

3).she missed her friends and r___when she was in the us.

4). this box is e___there ‘s nothing in it .

5).september10th is t___day .

6). sorry ,i can’t play soccer with you now because i am really e___i need to h**e a rest .


导学1. fool v.愚弄;欺骗 n.

愚人;白痴 is impolite to fool others. don’t regard me as a fool. 导学 adj.

空的;v .排空;倒空。

i emptied my box,my box is empty now. 我把我的箱子倒空了,现在箱子是空的 。

导学 up 出席;露面(一般指按预定的时间出现、露面)

we waited very late ,but john never showed up .我们等到很晚了,但是john仍未露面)。

导学4. exhausted adj .感到极疲惫的;精疲力竭的,exhausting adj. 令人精疲力竭的;

eg. i was exhausted after a long walk .走了好长一段路之后我疲惫不堪。

the long walk is exhausting .走远路是累人的。

类似用法的本单元还有embarrassed 与embarrassing

导学5. invite v. 邀请,变名字为 invitation .

invite sb +to+地点“邀请某人去某地”;

invite sb+to +活动“邀请某人参加某项活动”;

invite sb to do sth “邀请某人做某事”。

导学 happened to d**e on april fool’s day?在愚人节那天d**e 发生了什么事?


1.通常由when 或by引导的短语或从句作时间状语或时间状语从句;


3.过去完成时的句子中常用到by the end of 与by the time;


二课堂学习(教师寄语: 展示自我,合作提高)


2利用1a 的词汇,.回味生活,小组讨论愚人节所经历的事情。。



a: what happened to d**e on april fool’s day?

b: well, a friend invited him to a costume party , but when he got there ,he found that he had been fooled . it wasn’t a costume party.

5 课堂小结::回顾本节课,学到了什么,还有什么疑问?





like __for a picnic with us . a go b .to go

2. –did you see tom at the party ? no, he __by the time i got there.

b .was le**ing c. had left d. has left

3._what __you on april fool’s day ?

_well, a friend __me to a costume party . invited

b. happened ,asked c. happened to ,invited d. happened to ,asked

do you usually do __april fool’s day ?

is __because he stayed up all night .a. exhausted b .exhausting d .sleeping

6. the time she got up , her brother had already gone . a .

when b .at c. before d .

by7 . please wake when you finish your work . him up c .he up d. up he

8 . my mother when i got back . a .cook b .cooks c. was cooking d .is cooking

9. h**e you overslept ? a . already b .never c .ever d .still

10 .by the time she arrived at the airport , the plane

a .has taken off b .was taking off c. had taken off d. would take off

was not late for school because jim___me a up

flight will le**e in 20minutes. we’ll never___a .catch it

clock doesn’t work well. it didn’t___this morning.

a .come off off off off

always gets to school___time time times time

teachers___the office for a few minutes when we arrived. we didn’t meet them.

been away from left been away from left


said that he __get ) two letters from his parents the month before.

worker said hework) there since 1990 .

didn’t lend her my book because she __buy) one in the bookshop .

i went there , she __borrow) one from the library .

i __finish) my homework ,i went to bed .

didn’t go to town yesterday afternoon because it __start) snowing early in the morning .


第十单元酸和碱。一 学习目标。1.知道酸和碱溶液能和酸碱指示剂反应 2.学会运用酸碱指示剂检验酸溶液和碱溶液 3.进一步增强 物质的好奇心和求知欲。二 学习准备。你知道哪些酸和碱?在下面写出它们的名称。三 学习过程 一 合作 活动一 认识酸碱指示剂。展示 石蕊溶液和酚酞溶液石蕊溶液本身 色,酚酞溶液...


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