
发布 2022-07-31 19:09:28 阅读 4673

section a(1a_ grammar focus)



学习重难点】1.词汇和句型以及语法 2.过去完成时的概念及用法。


二预习自检:一) 写出下列动词的过去式和过去分词。

1. get2. le**e3. oversleep

4. start5. ring6. go

1. by the time i __get) up, my brother __already __get) in the shower.

2. when she __get) to school, she realized that she __le**e) her backpack at home.

3. heoversleep) this morning and went to school late.

4. when i got to school, the teacher had startedteach).


一小组学习, 完成1a.二初读grammar focus, 并理解。

合作**】一词汇: by the time 二句型:when i got home, i realized i had left my keys in the backpack.


巩固提升】一听力训练:完成1b 2a and 2b.二小组完成活动1c and 2c.三熟读grammar focus.

课堂练习】tell a story about tina’s morning.

tina overslept yesterday, by the time she got up, her brother

2. make three sentences with each word. please use its three forms.



1.我到家时她已经睡了。 3.他走以后我找到了那封信。




课题 unit 10 by the time i got outside , the bus had already left.

section a(3a__3c)





自主互助学习】reading (3a:p78)the correct order :

1. alarm clock didn’t go off 2. father went to bathroom

合作**】一词汇: broke go off 二句型: i started walking, but i knew i couldn’t get to school on time.


课堂练习】( )1. h**e you ever been late __school?a. to b. at c. in d. for

)2. he didn’t tell me that he __a new bike already.

a. had b. had had c. would h**e d. was h**ing

)3. please give me a __to school, ok?a. walk drive c. swim d. ride

)4. hurry up, or you can’t get there __

a. on time b. on the same time c. in no time d. all the time

)5. this morning my alarm clock didn’t __so i was late for school.

a. run off b. set off c. go off d. put off

)6. his race-car __half way. he had to give up the race.

a. broke down b. broke in c. broke up d. broke out

)7. i __never __such a wonderful piece of music before that day.

a. h**e heard b. had heard c. would heard d. will listen to

)8. –did you see tom at the party yesterday evening? -no, he __by the time i got there.

a. left b. was le**ing c. had left d. has left

)9. at last, i __i had lost the chance to study abroad.

a. realize b. has realized c. had realized d. realized

)10. amy found that she __her backpack at home when she reached school.

a. forget b. had forgotten c. left d. had left

) libo is shanghai’s f**orite funny man . he is good at ****** people laugh. his lively shows were __hot that tickets sold out in minutes.

a. very b. too c.

such d. so

section b (1a__2c)课型:新课课时:一课时执教:zengzheng




二预习自检:1) i want to go to a c___party.2) you shouldn’t sit’s bad for your health.

3) after the exam, he is e __4) the other students s___

5) by the time he g___dressed, his father had already gotten in the shower.


小组学习,完成1a and 1b.

合作**】一重点词汇和短语:fool get dressed 二重点句型:what happened to d**e on april fool’s day?

巩固提升】april 1st is a day on which, in some countries, people can play jokes on others, and many people are trying to do so on this special day. if you succeed in tricking somebody, you __laugh and say, “april fool!” the person who has been tricked by you laughs too, and he will never be angry __you.


unit 10 by the time i got outside the bus had already left section b 1a 2c 课时 总79课时备课 刘凤艳姓名时间 批阅 学习目标 1.词汇 fool costume embarrassed empty show up exha...


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