
发布 2022-07-31 19:11:28 阅读 3615

unit 2 where is the post office?学案。

by chen juan

period one (section a 1a—2c)

一。 教学目标:

1. 学会并掌握表示地点的单词;

2. 学会运用方位介词:next to, between… and…, behind表达物品的位置;

3. 掌握句型:is there a(an)…?yes, there is./ no, there isn’t.




1)can you go to the办公室) to send(寄) a letter with me?

2)there are two图书馆) in our city.

3)we can see a lot of new things in the街道).

4)my father works in a银行).

5)let’s go to the餐馆)to eat something.

2. 从方框中选择适当的词语填空。

1)the park isthe street from the bank.

2)the hotel isfifth **enue.

3)the river isthe park and the hill.

4)there is a lakethe neighbourhood.

5)the shop isthe hotel.



2. 听力练习,完成1b, pairwork:

a: is there a(an)…?

b: yes, there is./ no, there isn’t.

3. 听力练习,完成2b, pairwork:

a: where is the …?

b: it’s …

三) 课堂反馈。

i. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。

1. therebe) a girl and two boys in the classroom.

2. therebe) two cars and three buses in front of the house.

3. are theresome) new books on the desk?

4. lucyh**e) a new computer.

5. walkcross) the street and turn left.

ii. 选择填空。

) 1. there is __old library near herelibrary is next to the station.

a. a; a b. an; a c. an; the d. the; the

) 2. —is there a river over there?

a. yes, there’sb. no, there aren’t

c. yes, there isd. no, it isn’t

) 3. there __a girl and two boys in our rock band.

a. is b. are c. h**e d. has

) 4is there a post office on sixth **enue?

a. excuse meb. how do you do?

c. how are youd. sorry.

) 5. i’m sitting __d**id and daming.

a. next to b. near c. between d. across from

iii. 按要求完成下列各题。

1. there is a post office near here. (改为否定句)

a post office near here.

2. the bank is across from the park. (对划线部分提问)

___is across from the park?

3. the hotel is on center street. (对划线部分提问)

___the hotel?

4. there are some people in the park.(改为一般疑问句)

people in the park?

5. go, and, right, straight, turn, just (连词成句)

. 根据词汇所示补全句子,一空一词。

period two (section a 3a—4)

一。 教学目标:

1. 复习巩固句型:is there a(an)…?yes, there is./ no, there isn’t.

2. 能正确地问路和指路;

3. 掌握本课**现的短语。




1)mike and i are good friends. he sits on my r

2)just go syou will find the hospital(医院).

3)there is a supermarket in our n___

4) eme, could you tell me how to get to the bus station?

5) there is a big park in the cof our city.

2. 预习p9,完成下列的英汉互译。


3)左转4) 直走。





2. 听3a,找出paul和nancy所在的位置。

3. 小组活动:根据3a中的**谈论3b中的问题并通过小组讨论得出答案,最后由一个来回答3b中的问题。

三) 课堂反馈。

i. 根据汉语提示完成句子,每空一词。

1. can you tell me how to use a投币式**)?

2. is there a hotel在附近)?

3向左转),you will see the post office.

4. 它在沿着大桥街的右边。

it’s __bridge street __the right.

5. 图书馆在**?__the library?

ii. 从方框中选出最佳选项完成对话,其中有两项是多余的。

a: excuse me. _1___

b: sorry, i’m new here. look!

there is a policeman(警察) over there. just go and ask him.

a: ok. _2___a walks to the policeman.)

b: sir, can you tell me how to get to the nearest post office?

c: yes. walk down the street and take the first turning on the right.

_3___go straight on, and you’ll find the post office on the left.

a: _4___

c: no, it’s only ten minutes’ walk.

a: thanks a lot.

c: _5___


one day a policeman(警察) walks on a street in england. a car runs on the right side of the street. he stops(阻止) the car.

in the car there is a visitor from another country.

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