
发布 2022-07-31 19:13:28 阅读 4193




学习难点 利用本单元的新学单词来表达被语态的句式。

学习步骤。一, 预习指导(小组长要起到引领和督促的作用)

1. 课前小组长带领本组成员进行被动语态知识的回顾,找出语态的基本结构,和被动语态的一些具体表现形式。

2. 对于本节课的一些必备单词的复习,掌握…….在课前做好充分的准备。

二, 课堂展示。

1.一定要记住 (给你五分钟,看看谁最棒!)









评价对个) 错个)

2.你还记得吗? (说说你的小看法,众人拾柴火焰高!)

被动语态。1) 概念含义:被动语态是指句子中与之间存在被动关系。基本结构形式为。

2) 我们考察的仅仅是四个时态里出现的的被动语态。

eg. the knife is made of metal. 是。

the desk was repaired yesterday. 是。

the bridge will be built next year. 是。

the window has been cleaned. 是。

3) 总结一下,被动语态在不同的时态里的具体形式吧!






3.以新代旧,我来尝试! (提升能力,准备好了吗?)

1) 它什么时候被发明的。

2) 轿车是被谁发明的。

3) 它们是被用来做什么的。

4) 他们是被用来在黑暗中看见的。

三, 课堂反馈练习。

单项选择 (组长带领本组成员订正答案,做好讲解)

)1. _a new library __in our school last year?

a. is; built b. was; bulit c. does; build d. did; build

)2. rice __in the southeast of china.

a. is grown b. are grown c. grows d. grow

)3. so far, the moon __by man already.

a. is visited b. will be visited c. has been visited d. was visited

)4. a talk on chinese history __in the school hall next week.

a. is given b. has been given c. will be given d. gives

)5.--when __this kind of computerslast year.

a. did; use b. was; used c. is; used d. are; used

) great wall __all over the world.

a. knows b. knew c. is known d. was known

) in summer.

a. born b. was born c. h**e been born d. am born

) this book __

a. did; written b. was; written by c. did; written d. was; written

)9. english __in canada.

a. speaks b. are spoken c. is speaking d. is spoken

)10. this english song___by the girls after class.

a. often sings b. often sang c. is often sang d. is often sung

)11. this kind of car _in japan.

a makes b. made c. is ****** d. is made

)12. new computers__ all over the world.

a is used b. are using c. are used d. h**e used

)12. doctors __in every part of the world.

a. need b. are needing c. are needed d. will need

)13. the sports meet __be held until next week.

a. didn't b. won't c. isn't d. doesn't

)14. the flowers___often.

a. must be water b. must be watered c. must watered

)15, the bridges __two years ago.

a. is built b. built c. were built d. was built


1. the students __often __tell) to take care of their desks and chairs.

2. that playput) on again sometime next month.

3. vegetables, eggs and fruitssell) in this shop.

4. my keyslose) yesterday. i h**en’t find them.

5. what __a knife __make) of?

6. a piano concertgive) here last friday.

7. the roomclean) by me every day.

8. some flowerswater) by li ming already.

9. these kinds of machinesmake) in japan.

10. applesgrow) in this farm.

11. planes, cars and trainsuse) by business people for tr**elling.

12. the cinemabuild) in 1985.

13. a beautiful horsedraw) by john an hour ago.

14. three children___take) good care of by the nurse.

15. sheepkeep) by farmers for producing wool and mutton.



1. 这本书是谁写的?

2. 这个花园建于十年前。

3. 明天要举办运动会。

4. 电脑已经被修理好了。

5. 这个房子是利用垃圾建成的。

6. 房间已经被打扫干净了。



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