
发布 2023-03-24 03:23:28 阅读 8885

时间: 2023年12月10日

内容:unit 10 can you play the guitar?

学案制作人签字: 雷丹审稿人签字(备课组长):卢永华

最后审定人签字(教研组长签字): 张华彬。




you ..yes, i can. no, i can't.

what club do you want to join? i want to join...

what can you do? i can ..

language:play chess, play the guitar /piano/drums/violin/trumpet, speak english, help with, chess/english /basketball/music/art/swimming club…


g _t_rd_ncch_ss

p_ _ntsp_ _kad_ _ss












1.下棋 play chess 2.弹吉它 play the guitar 3.说英语 speak english

4.唱得好 sing well 5.艺术俱乐部 the art club 6.游泳俱乐部 swimming club

7.参加俱乐部 join the club 8.需要帮助 need help 9.**节 music festival

10.摇滚乐队 rock band 11.少许的,一点儿 a little 12.电子邮件地址email address


1. 你会游泳吗?是的,会一点。 can you swim? yes, a little.

2. 你会画画吗?不,我不会。 can you paint? no, i can’t.

3. 他会中国功夫。 he can do chinese kung fu.

4. 她会拉小提琴。 she can play the violin.

5. 你想参加什么俱乐部? what club do you want to join?

6. 我想参加**俱乐部。 i want to join the music club.

7. 你会做什么? what can you do?

8. 你和小孩子们相处得好吗? are you good with kids?

9. 我们需要一些帮助。 we need some help.

10. 你能帮助孩子们(学)游泳吗? can you help kids with swimming?

11. 来加入我们吧! come and join us!

12. 来展示给我们看吧! come and show us!

13. 请打**622-6033找张衡。 please call zhang heng at 622-6033.

14. 我们的摇滚乐队需要两名好的**家。we want two good musicians for our rock band.

15. 你会唱歌或跳舞吗? can you sing or dance?

16. 我不会唱歌和跳舞。 i can’t sing or dance.


1.gina wants to jthe music club.

2.can you senglish?

3.i can play the guitar but can’t play the p

4.my e-mail ais cindyyjones @ 163. com.

5.can you hkids with swimming?


)6.what club do you want to join? a.very well.

)7.what’s your phone numberb.it’s $10.

)8.how are youc.it’s 8989766.

)9.how much is the shirtd.the music club.


)10.tom wantsto you. are you free?

a.to tell b.tells c.to talk d.talks

)11.can you help memy english?

a.with b.ofc.learning d.about


a.is some in formationsb.are some in formations

c.are some informationd.is some information

)13.bob can playtennis but can’t playviolin.

a.the, the bc.thed.× the

)14.can you paint

a.yes, a little b.yes, little c.no, a little d.no, little

)15.please call me8989766.

a.in b.atc.about d.with

)16.the youngplays thevery well.

a.pianist, pianob.piano, pianist

c.pianist, pianistd.piano, piano

)17.what can you do, lin tao

a.i like sportsb.i want to join the music club

c.i am welld.i can do chinese kung fu

)18.hi, can i help you

a.yes, please b.no, i can’t c.yes, i can d.you are welcome

)19.we want two goodour rock band.

a.music for b.musician in c.music in d.musicians for

)20.little tom can drawhis drawings are very

a.good, well b.well, good c.good, good d.well, well

)21.can heit in english?

a.speak b.speaks c.sayd, talk


do join can want can’t

22.__you dance?


24.what club does she __to join?

25.we want tothe guitar club.

26.what can you


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