
发布 2023-03-24 03:19:28 阅读 7888

课题:7b-u2---reading(1) 编者:汤雪洁审稿:朱彩霞时间:2008




1) 住在一个现代化的城市2)从北京市中心。




9) 带你去其他的购物中心10) 任何一种食物。

11)参观我们当地的剧院12) 欣赏京剧。

13)使空气脏14) 许多西餐馆。


1) there is less air pin yunnan than in shanghai.

2) my grandparents often sees plays in a t

3) most of people in our city live in a tall b

4) we can go to the beijing zoo by u

5) you can’t get off the bus uit stops.

6) you can buy some sin your f**ourite shopping mall.

7) would you like to enjoy beijing o

8)you can eat a lot of delicious food in wrestaurants.


1) i want youtell) me about life in this great new town.

2) there are many thingsdo) in our school every day.

3)it __be )only half an hour’s walk from our school to my home.

4)you can go___ski) in winter. would you likego) with me this winter?

5) one of themshare) a bedroom with sisters, but most of them

6)we can___be) close to our friends.

7)they do noth**ego) far if they need___help) with their work.

8)it is very hardsay) all the words in english, but you h**e to __do) like this.

9)why don’t youbring) all your homework here? don’t forget___do)the important things.

10)i need the teachershelp) me with my study.

四、 翻译下列句子:







7) 欢迎到中国来欢迎回家。



课题:7b-u2---reading(2) 编者:汤雪洁审稿:朱彩霞时间:2008




1.here are the exchangestudent) names on the *****.

2. there islittle) air pollution in the country than in the city.

3. all of us live in the townname) sunshine town.

4. we areclosed) to each other and we are __friend) to each other.

5. millie’s home is on thenine) floor and simon’s home is on thetwelve )floor.

6. you can buy different kinds ofsouvenir) at the gate of the park.

7. if you don’t like chinese food, there are lots ofwest) restaurants here.

8. you pay a little money and they are __you).

9. who teaches___they) english?

10. all my good frineds live in the same talll __build).

11. it’a only 40minute) walk from here to the center of the city.

12. yixing is a great placelive) and you will love it here!


1. there are a lot of thingsdo) in sunshine town.

2. would you like __gotr**el) with me this summer holiday?

3. they spend little moneybuy) beijing duck.

4. each of usspeak) english very well.

5. we eachspeak) englsih every well.

6. one of themlive) in the large house like this.

7. they don’t h**e___go )far if they needhelp) each other.

8. why notvisit) our local theater with us?

9. be quiet! the womenh**e) a meetingcelebrate) women’s day.

10. you canshop) until ten o’clock at night.

三、改错。1.there are lots of dog food. we needn’t buy any more.


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