
发布 2021-05-20 11:17:28 阅读 7926

specific vocabulary: cute there trunk

specific target sentences:

what is it doing? it’s eating bananas. what is she doing? she is jumping.

specific functional exponents:


source of material:


2)58页let’s learn 的单词卡片。



1. 五年级学生对一些常见动物的特征和习性等都有了一定的了解,能为他们继续通过阅读,获取其它动物正在做什么的相关信息打下良好的基础。

2 . 学生在教师的指导下,能够进行自主阅读。另外,学生已初步掌握了一定的阅读策略。


let’s chant

what’s the elephant doing? it’s walking, walking.

what’s the tiger doing? it’s running, running.

what’s the fish doing? it’s swimming, swimming.

what’s the rabbit doing? it’s jumping, jumping.

what’s the bird doing? it’s flying.

设计意图:活跃课堂气氛,并复习本单元a let’s learn 和let’s talk。活动类型:r)

step: 2 preview

look at the pictures and answer the questions.

1) what’s the monkey doing?

2) is the cat eating fish?

3) what can the duck do?

4) can tigers swim?

设计意图:复习现在进行时单数的特殊疑问句和一般疑问句,并区分can 加行为动词原形与be + 行为动词ing 的用法。活动类型:r)

step: 3 presentation

1. lead-in

t : draw a trunk on the blackboard and ask: what is this ?

ss: it’s an elephant’s nose.

t: yes, it’s a trunk . 领读trunk几遍。)

t : show the ss a picture)

look! the elephant is drinking water with its trunk. the elephant is cute.

i like elephants very much. our friends--sarah and chen jie like animals, too. where are they?

they are in the nature park. what are they talking about? let’s read.

设计意图:通过象鼻的图画,引出句子the elephant is drinking water with its trunk. 先突破难点,帮助学生扫除阅读的障碍,并引出课文。


2. while-reading

1) the first reading

what are chen jie and sarah talking about?


2) the second reading



3)the third reading


sarah and chen jie go to the today. the zoo is big. there are many animals there.

look! the monkeythe baby kangaroothe mother kangaroothe elephantwith its likes animals very much.


step: 4 post-reading

1. 写一写。

(1) 教师指导学生抄写课本四会句子一次。

(2) 看图写一写:

look at the mother elephant.

look at the bird.

设计意图:对于重点句型,教师除了要指导学生规范书写之外, 还要精心设计书写活动,让学生进行巩固练习。活动类型:r)

2. 表演并写一写。

1) 请几位学生出来各表演一种动物,自我介绍说:i am a/ an…. 然后表演一个动作。

2) 学生以书面的形式写一篇短文,题为look at the animals.并向全班展示几位同学的文章。


3. let’s sing.

1) 跟录音唱几遍,教读dolphin 和 swinging.

2) 鼓励学生四人一组,用其他动物名称进行替换、改编,进行表演唱。


4. 做同步精练a read and write的相关练习。

step 5 homework

1 read the dialogue and sing the song to your parents.

2 fill in the forms and write the sentences according to the form.


what is the elephant doing? it’s walking.


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3 选定对象 老师 同学或未见过面的人 自主写作第三课时。讲评 一 多元评价,认真修改。1 自己读一读,改一改。2 读给同伴听,听听他们的评价,再适当修改。3 在班级交流,师生评议。是否写出了自己的特点,语言是否通顺。4 交换修改,错字和标点 二 成语故事。1 自读故事,读熟短文。1 自己练习读短文...


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