
发布 2021-03-12 08:43:28 阅读 3409




一、主题。本模块以“自我介绍”为话题,让学生通过掌握自我介绍的表达方式,结识朋友,形成一个学习的集体,互相帮助。课题是“module 1 nice to meet you !

unit 3 language in use 。”



language practice

revise the sentence with the students.

i’m a teacher and i’m chinese. /he’s my friend. /we’re students.

/are you a new student? /they aren’t english.

t: ask the students to make other similar sentences.

s: make sentences with their own real information.

t: explain the word “be”.

s: pay attention to the teacher and make some notes.

1. talk about you and your friend to your group.

t: ask the students to sit and work with their classmates.

i’m liu bin. he’s my friend, zhao hai. i’m 12 years old , he’s 14 years old.

we’re chinese and we’re in class two.

s: work in pairs.

where are you from? /where do you come from?

s: to present their partner to other pairs.

t: let the students talk about their partner’s information to the whole class.

s: ask and answer in pairs.

at the pictures and complete the sentences.

t: ask the students to complete the sentences individually.

s: check their answers with a partner.

t: explain something difficult to the students.

the table with the words.

t: read the words.

america chinese english

s: repeat them after the teacher chorally and individually.

t: ask the students to complete the sentences individually.

s: check the answers with a partner.

the words with the pictures.

t: read through the verb list in the box.

read books sit down stand up write on the blackboard

s: repeat the words after the teacher.

t: ask if the students remember all the words.

s: complete the activity individually,then check them with a partner.

around the world

t: ask the students to look at the names and the pictures.

chinese nameenglish name

yang liweid**id beckham

s: look them and think for a while.

t: talk about how the names work in both cultures.

s: repeat “family name/given name.”

module task: introducing yourself to your new friends

in pairs. ask and answer about the people in the pictures.

t: look at the pictures with the students and talk about the three people.

s: look at the pictures and pronounce the names.

s: practice in pairs.

6. introduce yourself. ask answer with a partner.

t: run through all the phrases in the box with the class.

s: practice in pairs.


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