
发布 2021-03-12 08:41:28 阅读 2774

意”为先 “趣”为径 “效” 为本。




案例描述 :在众多的教学方法中,游戏教学法是小学教学中的最有效的教学方法之一,它最能提高课堂活力。而且,游戏教学法符合小学生的生理和心理特点。


step 1. warming up

t: hello, everyone! i’m very happy to see you!

who’s on duty? can you give us a duty report?

s: hello, everyone! my name is… i’m 12 years old….

step 2. leading-in

teacher point self and say i’m a teacher, what do you do? ss can answer i’m a student. then ppt show the picture of our head teacher and the teacher ask

t: who is he? what does he do?

( and the teacher write title on the bb “unit 5 what does he do?”)

ss : he is a head teacher.( the teacher write on the bb)

t:do you want to be a head teacher? (the teacher ask and write)

step 3. presentation


what does he do?

he is a head teacher.

带读句型,然后展示不同**,教以下单词): what does he do? he is a head teacher.

then show different pictures, teach new words: head teacher, cleaner, writer, police officer, postman, doctor, reporter, businessman.


step 4. practice

read the new words together, every word twice. then teacher show phonetic alphabet word cards,student read and put it into chinese,and then teacher ask “what does he/she do? do you want to be a/an…?


step . task 1

look at the picture(on tv), and match words with the pictures.

check the answers.

t: if your answers are all right, please raise your hands.


step 6 task 2

t: all of you did a good job. now, please listen to let’s try and circle .

play the recording the answers.


step 7. task 3

t: what do your family do? work in pairs, make your own conversations.

you can use any words you know.

a: what does your father/mother/… do?

=what is your father’s/ mother’s/…job?

what is your father/mother/…?

b: he/she is a/an…. he/she…

ask some pairs to demonstrate their conversations.


step 8 task 4

t: well done! i’m a teacher, but i want to be a doctor.

play the recording of let’s talk . ss listen and circle right answers.

1) what does oliver’s father do?

a .tv reporter

(2) will oliver’s mother be here today?

will. won’t .

the recording ,ss listen and repeat. then read the dialogue in roles in group( according to the actual situation). at last act it in class.

anna’s mother is a bank clerk, but she wants to be a police officer. how about tony’s father and susan’s brother?now let’s listen and number the pictures.

then play the recording again, ask them to listen and fill in the chart.

check the answers.


step 9 task 5

t: now talk about your family members. what do they want to be?

the students groups, within the group according to their own actual situation to practice ask and answer.

ask students to work in pairs, make conversations like this.

a: what does your father do?

b: he is a police officer.

a: what does he want to be?

b: he wants to be a reporter.

check some groups.


step 10 task 6


ask students to make their own sentences like this one by one.


step 11 task 7

ask students to work in groups of four, talk about their dream job. say: what do you want to be when you grow up?

now discuss in groups of four, then give a report like this:

when i grow up(长大后), i want to be …,because …


when i grow up, i want to be a reporter because it’s very exciting. i like talking to people. i can meet lots of people.

and i can be on tv, so people can see me on tv everyday.







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