人教PEP 四年级英语上册Unit5单元测试卷

发布 2020-09-30 01:00:28 阅读 4073

四年级上册英语 unit 5 测试题(满分:100) 总分。


口试部分: 请你说出今天三餐所想吃的东西。

听力部分:一: 听录音,将你所听到的单词或数字的编号写在前面的括号里。(10分)

)1:a: spoon b: school2: a: milk b: music

)3: a: bread b: black4: a: fish b: beef

)4: a: water b: wall6: a: fork b: soup

)7:a: chicken b: kitchen8: a: dinner b: lunch

)9:a: 5 b: 1510: 13 b: 30


三: 听录音,判断所听的内容与图意是否相符,用或表示。(5分)

四:听录音,根据听到的内容选出正确的图画(4 分)

a ba b

aba b五: 听录音,填入句子中所缺的单词。(10 分)

1: what’s for dinner? _and __

2: do you like __yes, i like __and __too.

3: you can h**e __and __for lunch.

4: i’d like __and __for breakfast.

5: can i h**e two __sure, here you are.

六: 听录音,选择最佳的答语填空。(6 分)

)1: a: yes, i can. b: yes, please. c: sure, here you are.

)2: a: i like chinese food. b: we had a good time. c: sorry.

)3: a: i’d like some rice and beef. b: i like rice. c: it’s soup.

)4: a: yes, i can. b: yes, please. c: sure, here you are.

)5:a: 10 yuan. b: i like bread. c: there are

)6a: yes, thank you b: no, thank you c : yes, i am

笔试部分。八: 找出不同类的单词。(10分)

) 1: a: plate b: spoon c: vegetable

) 2: a: fridge b: sofac: table

) 3: a: chopstick b: noodles c: fork

) 4: a: soup b: studyc: bedroom

) 5: a: egg b: beefc: duck

九: 看图写单词(8 分)

十: 选择正确的答案写在前面的括号里。“(10 分)

)1: 你想要一些果汁,你该用英语说:

a: i like some juiceb: i’d like some juice.


a: can i help youb: can you help me?

)3: what __you like for dinner?

a: wouldb: are

)4: _i h**e some rice?

a: dob: can

)5: we___a good time.

a: hasb: had

十一为下面问句找到合适的答句( 8 分)

)1 i’d like some milka : thank you

( )2 what’s for dinnerb : ok. here you are

( )3 can i h**e some fishc : some vegetables

( )4 help yourselfd : yes, you can

十二阅读判断,正确的写t 错误的写f(15 分)

john is a boy, he is 12 years old . for dinner, he would like some rice . his father likes some vegetables and juice .

his mother likes some fish and chicken. now dinner’s ready . they are eating happily.

)1 john is ten years old .

) 2 john likes milk for dinner

) 3 his father likes vegetables and juice

) 4 his mother likes soup

) 5 his mother likes fish and chicken.

十三写作(10 分)

到晚餐时间了, 你们全家人想吃哪些食物呢? 请写一写吧!

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