
发布 2020-05-28 05:52:28 阅读 7284

lesson 8 liming meets jenny’s class

designer:fan ning team leader: liu na


nothing is impossible to a willing heart.(世上无难事只怕有心人)

学习目标】会说会读会写下列单词: 好 班级科目 数学 科学 美术语文 ** 体育 每一个。会认读以下短语:

school day每个上学的日子 2. be from...同义come from...

来自3介绍自己的朋友,家人用this is...


ming meets jenny’s class.李明认识詹妮的同学。

where are you from?(同义句)where do you come from?你来自**?

b:i am from china.(同义句) i come from china.我来自中国。

what subjects do you h**e in your school? 你们学校有什么科目?

b: we h**e english, math, science, art...我们有英语,数学,科学,美术。

how many classes do you h**e each school day? 你们每天有多少节课?

b: three classes in the morning and two in the afternoon.早上三节下午两节。

学习重难点】能听说读写本课单词,熟练运用本课句型和be from ,come from的用法。


step1: 课前热身:talk free




is li ming from?

subjects does li ming h**e in his school?

many classes does li ming h**e each school day?

iii读课文理解课文意思 ,分角色对话展示,介绍朋友给大家认识。


talk and write.

我会填。1。li ming meetsjenny)class.

how are you? b

am from china.(对划线部分提问) _are you from?

nice to meet you . b

classes each school day.(对划线部分提问)

classes do you h**e in each school day?

h**e english, math, science, art on tuesday.(对划线部分提问)

___subjects do you h**e __tuesday?

where ,from, are (?连词成句。

7. h**e, we, at, lunch. school (.连词成句。

9. where is she from?(他来自石家庄。

复数11. meet(同音词。

are you from?(同义句。

13. i’m from china.(同义句。

14. we h**e lunch __school.

15. how manyclass)do you h**e each school day?

subjects do you h**e在星期二)

17. h**e ,what ,you ,do, subjects (?连词成句)

is my friend(变成复数句子。



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主备 曹玉萍批阅时间class nameno.1 creator english group of grade six 课堂英语积累 good job i think you can do better next time.很好!我想下次你会。更棒的。title unit 1 how can i g...


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