
发布 2020-05-28 04:50:28 阅读 7750


unit 6how do you



导入新课。step 1: warm-up


step 2: presentation

一)学习let’s try

1、教师语言导入how does sam feel? s1:he is happy.

why? i don’t know ,maybe what’s wrong? he is unhappy.

2、listen and circle.听录音,在答案上画圈,完成**学习中第一题。(二).

学习let’s talk部分内容,完成**学习第二题(1)3、听录音,选择合适的词。


**新知。step 3:practice


) angry c. cry d. story( )grass c.

glass d. pass( )next b. sit c.

countd. don’t( )feel b. meet c.

beef d. deepⅱ从下列每组单词中选出不同类的一项。

) work b. pilot c. postman d.

doctor( )bus b. plane c. foot d.

taxi( )wear b. where c. what d.

how( )4. a. park b.

grass c. flower d. tree

) post office b. cinema c. science d. hospitalⅳ.根据汉语提示,写出单词或者短语的正确形式。

are you going to do明天) cat is (害怕)of him.

is is .(难过的)

peng likes踢足球) little ant is担心的,发愁的)vi.连词成句:

1. take, i , a, deep, should, breath. (

2. worried, the, are, amy, and, dog. (

if, angry, feel, i, should, do, should, what, do. (

robin, grass, is, sit, to , the, on



主备 曹玉萍批阅时间。class nameno.1 creator english group of grade six 课堂英语积累 good job i think you can do better next time.很好!我想下次你会更棒的。title unit 1 how can i g...


主备 曹玉萍批阅时间class nameno.1 creator english group of grade six 课堂英语积累 good job i think you can do better next time.很好!我想下次你会。更棒的。title unit 1 how can i g...


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