
发布 2024-03-04 11:07:08 阅读 6166


my friends说课稿。




今天,我说课的内容是pep小学英语四年级上册unit 3 my friends parta第二课时。首先我对我们农村学校的教学环境和教学资源以及学生情况进行分析一下:



一 、textbook analysis:

一)teaching contentings

我说课的内容是pep小学英语四年级上册 unit 3 part a let’s talk,是第二课时,主要学习let’s talk的对话。由于第一节课的学习,同学们对描述人外貌的单词和句型有所了解;因此本节课的学习也不太困难。这节课主要学习john与妈妈之间的对话,理解句型“i h**e a new friend .

”what’s his name? his name is …he has …”并能加以运用。

二)teaching aims:

1、knowledge aims:

1. (1)使学生能听懂、会说what’s his name? his name is zhang peng.

he has short black hair and big he/she ? he’s/she’s…

2) 使学生能、会说、认读chinese, friend,long hair ,short hair, thin, strong并理解其意思。

aim:1) 使学生能用所学知识描述自己身边的朋友。

三)teaching focus :

1 .能听懂、会说、.what’s his name?

his name is zhang peng. he has short black hair and big eyes.

2 .能听、说、认读chinese, friend,long hair, short hair, thin, strong, 等单词和词组。

四) teaching difficult points:

1.能区分h**e/has的用法并熟练运用;如i h**e /she has / he has big eyes.


五)teaching aids:



(六)teaching procedure:

(一). warm-up.)热身。

he ?/who’s she ?he’s/she’s…

on saying: (复习反义词),long-short,tall-short,big-small,strong-thin等。

设计意图:通过课文里人物**的展示让学生练习上节课的句型: who’s he ?

/who’s she ?he’s/she’s…;通过人物**复习反义词long-short,tall-short,big-small,strong-thin等。)

二). presentation)新课呈现

1.(presentation of the new dialogues) 新知识呈现。

1) 教师对同学们说:class, john has a new friend today. guess, a boy or a girl ?

当学生猜到是男孩的时候给于肯定。yes,he’s a boy. he is a chinese boy.

让学生操练he is a chinese boy.

2).教师继续向学生提问:who’s he ?

what’s he like?do you want to know ?老师向学生展示**:

look at the picture carefully.并描述:look,he has short black hair and big eyes.

让学生操练what’s he like ?he has short black hair and big eyes.

3).让学生介绍自己的外貌。(如i am thin.

\i am strong\i am tall……:i h**e short black hair and big eyes.)

4)教师说:now,let’s listen to the tape and answer the questions:what’s his name?

what’s he like ?

(5)老师说:ok, let’s learn the dialogue again. please,turn to page 29.

(讲解课文并板书“let’s talk”中的重点句型,并教读课文。)

(设计意图:首先告诉同学们john has a new friend today.让学生猜性别和外貌;然。

后在此基础上把张鹏的**展示给同学们并用英语描述其外貌。如:he has short black hair and big eyes.


(三). consolidation and practise)巩固和操练。

out the dialogue in groups.(小组比赛表演)

a game.辨音游戏。


(四). extension)拓展。

找几组同学a:what’s his\her name?(学生a指着学生c.)

b: his \her name is...he\she is...

a: what’s he\she like ?

b: she\he is\has...




2.让学生写作文“my friend”。

my friend is a...he\she is...he\she has...he\she likes...

who is she\he?


板书设计:unit 3 my friends

i h**e a new friend.

what’s his name

his name is …

he has short black hair.

this is his photo。

设计意图:采用归纳法,将重点句型展示出来使学生一目了然 。)


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