
发布 2024-03-03 22:25:08 阅读 6430


the first period :a learn to say

teaching contents:

1. vocabulary : miss li ,mr gree, wang bing ,helen .

2. pattern : this is … good morning .

good afternoon , nice to meet you , nice to meet you ,too .

teaching aims :

1. enable the students can understand and say the communion parlances : this is …good morning .

good afternoon . nice to meet you .nice to meet you ,too .

2. to know four persons :miss li, mr green , wangbing ,helen .

3. to encourage the ss to talk in english .

teaching aids :

cassette ,recorder ,masks (miss li ,mr green ,wang bing ,helen .)model:( a clock )

teaching procedures :

step 1:free talk

1. the teacher wears the masks of animals :ask :

hi/hello ,i’m a bird/(a dog, a tiger),what’s your name?

the student answers: hi/hello ,i’m…

2. students wear the masks of animals

practise in pairs (同桌练习)

group work (小组练习)

step 2 presentation and pratice .

1. learn to say :nice to meet you ./nice to meet you ,too .

a. the teacher wears the mask of a m .

say :hello ,i’m a m .nice to meet you .

教师走到几个学生面边握手边说nice to meet you )

b. read the sentence after me .

c. t says :hello ,i’m a m ,nice to meet you ,s says :nice to meet you ,too.

d. practice .

t&ss&sgroup work (连锁操练,每完成一段对话,双方击掌三次,以增强练习的趣味性。)

work in pairs

2. learn to say :this is … miss li, mr green ,wang bing ,helen .

a. the students wears the mask (mike ),the teacher says:this is mike .

b. 同上 four student wear the masks (miss li ,mr green ,wang bing ,helen )

t says :this is miss li /mr green ,wang bing ,helen .

s says:nice to meet you,miss li/….

miss li/ mr gree… says : nice to meet you ,too.

3. learn to say :good morning, good afternoon .

a. t draws two clocks in the blackboard ,t says: 从早上起床到12点,见面打招呼时说:

good morning, 从中午12点以后到傍晚6点说: good afternoon .

b. read after me :good morning /good afternoon ,wang bing(……

c. practice

t&s s&s

4. group work (游戏:抛球)


游戏目的: 1)鼓励学生大胆使用英语。2)培养学生意识。3)增强学习的趣味性。

work in pairs

a song :good morning to you

step 5 consolidation :

1. the students wear the masks (miss li ,d**id ,liu tao)

liu tao says :good morning, miss li ,this is d**id .

miss li says : nice to meet you ,d**id .

d**id says: nice to meet you ,too .

2. listen to the tape and read .

step 6 homework: listen to the tape and read aloud.

say :“good –bye ”.

design :

unit 2 nice to meet you

good morning

good afternoon

this is 人物**。

nice to meet you .

nice to meet you ,too .



the second period :b look and learn

teaching contents :

vocabulary: black ,white ,red ,yellow ,blue ,green ,brown ,orange .

teachiing aims :

1. to understand and say the words :black ,white ,red ,yollow ,blue ,green ,brown ,orange

2. to encourage the ss to learn english .

teaching procedures:

step 1. warm-up

1. greetings :

good morning /afternoon ,everyone!nice to meet you .

2. introduce and compliment .

请一生向老师介绍同桌:(t:please introduce your deskmate to me)

a: good morning ,miss zhang ,this is gao shan .

t : nice to meet you ,gao shan .

gao shan: nice to meet you ,too .

practice in groups )

3. check

step 2. presentation and practice .

1. learn to say the new word :black .

a. show a black dog .

t:hi, boys and girls ,what colour is it ?

it’s black ,please say a black dog .

ss:black .

b. t show black things ,ss say :black .it’s black .

c. ss try to find something else is black and say :black .

2. look and say the other words :white , yellow , red .

the same method .

3. 听音判断。全班分成四组,分别命名black ,white ,yellow ,red .师发出命令:red 则red 组全体成立,并高呼red .

4. guess .

师准备几只不同颜色的气球,放在身后,让生猜猜what colour?引入新颜色单词:orange ,brown ,green ,blue .(猜对者可以得到一只气球。)

5. check

look at the picture and say : a yellow cat ,a red m ,a black panda ,a blue bird ,a white elephant ,a green bird ,an orange tiger ,a black and white zebra .

step3. relax :listen to the song “hi,nancy!”

step4. consolidation

1. listen to the tape and repeat .


牛津小学英语3a unit4 第一课时。一 教学内容。义务教育课程标准实验教科书牛津小学英语 3a第四单元第一教时 a learn to say 二 教学目标。1.能听懂 会说以下祈使句,并能运用所学祈使句进行交际。get up go to school go home,go to bed good...

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