
发布 2023-11-15 21:10:03 阅读 4956

unit 4 growing up

comic strip and welcome to the unit

teaching aims:

to discuss the ways about how one learns about the world and arouse the ss’ interest in learning this unit.

step 1 presentation

present some new words and lead in the topic of this unit.

on one’s mind 挂在心上;惦念。

time n. 时代,时期。

whenver conj. 无论何时。

a great deal of …=much

as soon as 一… …就……

through prep. 以,凭借。

step 2 brainstorming

what comes into your mind when talking about “growing up”?

to support the family

do you feel happy to grow up?

do you want to grow up?

step 3 comic

1. listen and answer the questions.

1) does eddie want to grow up?

2) will eddie build his house by himself?

keys: no, he doesn’t.

no. he asks hobo to build for him.

2. listen to the conversation between eddie and hobo and complete the passage:

eddie has something on hishe thinksup is hard. he is worried that he’s growing too __for his house. hobo advises him toanother one, but eddie asks hobo not tohim up until hebuilding the house.

keys: mind growing big build wake finishes

3. read and act

step 4 discussion

how do you learn about the world?

i learn about the world from…

how do you learn about the world?

a. parents and relatives

b. teachersc. friends

d. tr**ellinge. books

f. tv and films g. the internet

step 5 listening

1. simon and millie are talking about how they like to learn about the world. listen to their conversation first.

1) how does millie learn about the world?

2) how does simon learn about the world?

keys: from books.

through the internet.

step 6 reading

1. read conversation and answer the questions.

1) why does millie learn from books?

2) why does simon like to learn about the world through the internet?

keys: because books allow her to learn about people in different times and places, and she can read them whenever she wants to.

because it’s quick. as soon as he clicks the mouse, there’s a great deal of information.

2. the f**ourite way to learn about the world in our class is from/through __because __

step 7 pair work

work in pairs and talk about your ideas. use the conversation below as a model.

a: how do you learn about the world?

b: i like to learn about the world from…

a: why do you like to learn that way?

b: because…

a: i like to learn about the world from…

b: …step 8 language points

1. what’s on your mind?

on one’s mind 挂在心上,惦念(常含担忧之意)

in one’s mind 在心里,在脑海中。

don’t bother him. he’s got a lot on his mind.


you must keep this number in your mind.


2. why do you like to learn that way?

learn that way 以那种方式学习。

don’t speak to your parents that way


3. books allow me to learn about people in different times and places.


allow sb. to do sth. 允许某人做某事(主)

sb + be allowed to do sth. (被)

* allow doing sth. 允许做某事。

time n. 时期, 时代。

we don’t allowed anyonesmoke) here.

anyone is not allowedsmoke) here.

we don’t allowsmoke) here.

smoke) is not allowed here.

keys: to smoke to smoke smoking smoking

4. …i can read them whenever i want to.

whenever conj. 无论何时。



它们等同于“no matter + wh” 结构。

you can ask me for help whenever you are in trouble.

= you can ask me for help no matter when you are in trouble.


5. i like to learn about the world through the internet.


through prep. 以,凭借;穿过

he bought a flat through many years’ of hard work.


across, through, past & over

across, through和past都可以作介词,都可以表示“穿过”。





the students walked across the street when the traffic lights were green.

the river goes through the town from east to west.

my friend diana drove past me just now.

a plane flew over the house.

根据句意选用across, through,past或over填空。

1) there is no bridgethe river.

2) he hurried __me to his home.

3) the sunlight is coming inthe window.

4) look! the plane is flying __our heads.

keys: across past through over

6. as soon as you click the mouse, there’s a great deal of information.


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