Book4unit1教案 第一课时

发布 2023-11-11 22:55:02 阅读 1170

unit 1 what is beauty?

the 1st period)



2. 清楚了解本课的内容及细节。熟记本课的重要短语及句子结构等语言点,并能掌握他们的用法,在习题中能正确使用。

情感目标:1. 在交际中善于表达自己的观点。

2. 培养正确的审美观。

学习策略:1. 在学习中善于利用图画等非言语信息理解主题。 2. 总结所接触语言材料中的语言规律并加以应用。



教学过程: pre-reading

1. show 4 pictures of beauties, are they naturally beautiful?

use this to lead in the topic.

2. group discussion: discuss with classmates the three pictures in the book (page 2) and describe what these people h**e done to their appearance.

what might the harmful impacts these things h**e on a human body?


1. skimming:

look at the picture and read the title as well as the rubric below it, and finish questions 1 and 3.

go through the passage quickly to find the answer to question 2 (p.1).

1) what is happening here? what is this place?

2) when there are two speakers on a programme, what can you predict about their opinions?

3) look at the title. what do you think they will be talking about?

2. scanning:

scan the reading passage for the specific answers to the notes.

in the past:

1in europe; 2in some parts of south-east asia

3in africa.

in the present:

1)watching2)keeping yourself___3)h**ing

3. careful reading

1) match the main ideas and parts of the passage.

2) true or false exercises.

① sue leslie thinks that in today's world, no one cares what people look like.

elizabeth cade thinks that one's appearance is the most important thing.

elizabeth cade writes and lectures about history.

at the moment in europe, many women h**e their bottom ribs removed.

people can telephone the programme and speak to the women.

3) fill in the missing information in the following table according to the text.

4) answer these questions in complete sentences.

what is sue leslie's job now? what job did she h**e before that?

what does elizabeth cade think is more important than physical beauty?

why do you think sue leslie mentions her health studio? what is her real purpose?

why does sue leslie think cosmetic surgery can be good for people?

does the host give her own views about this topic?

iii. post reading

1. discussion:

what will happen during the rest of the program? so, if you are the audience of this program, and you are going to make a call, what question or what things do you like to express?

2. debate:

read and discuss these proverbs and quotations. look up any difficult words in a dictionary. which of the two speakers in the transcript would agree with which of these?

beauty is only skin-deep.

② beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

③ don't judge a book by its cover.

④ remember that the most beautiful things in the world are the most useless: peacocks and lilies for instancejohn ruskin (1819-1900)

iv.language points

1) important phrases

find out the english phrases for them in the passage.

1. 感谢 2. 看上去最美 3. 保持健康 4. 由某人决定 5. 不管。

6. 强调 7. 例如 8. 过去常常 9. 让某事被做 10. 随心所欲。

11. 好像 12. 判断 13. 陈述阐明。

2) important sentences

find out the sentences in the passage and study them.

you should watch __you eat and keep yourself fit.

i think it's up to everyone to decide what is right for them, but i do feel that people should be happy with themselveshow they look.

for instance, some european womenh**e their bottom ribsso that they would h**e thin waists.

--i think it is ridiculous that people--usually women--h**e been forced by society to endure such considerable pain and suffering

they look __they were ten years younger.

society still __people on how they look, and so forces them to worry about their appearance.

well, i think that __some of the issues very well, so now, let's take our first call ..

v. homework:




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