
发布 2023-11-11 22:35:02 阅读 8846


教学内容:a( let’s learn let’s do let’s sing)

教学目标:1、 能简单的描述自己的学校。eg: this is our school. it’s so bigthere are playground, garden….

2、 能够询问某地方的位置,并做出相应的回答。eg: where is the canteen/library…? it’s on the first floor.

3、 能够听懂let’s do 的指令,并做出相应的动作。eg: go to the garden . water the flowers.

4、 会唱歌曲“our school”.

5、 培养学生对学校的热爱,鼓励学生大胆设想自己未来的学校。

教学重点:让学生掌握与学校生活密切相关的几个词汇和会话:where is the playground\ garden \canteen\ teacher ’s office \ library, etc?

it’s on the first floor .




step1 warm—up

1.free talk

t: welcome back to school, boys and girls. glad to see you again.

ss: nice to see you again.

t: how are you?

ss: very well. thank you. and you?

t: i’m fine, too. thanks.

oh, there is a nice song. it’s for you. i sure you will like it.


to the song: our school . 让学生跟教师随着**动起来。

2. guessing game.

t: is it nice? i like this song.

i like music.(打节奏的动作)what do i do?(学生:

listen to music.)yes , what do i do now? please guess.

who is clever? let's h**e a look..教师做动作,让学生猜。

(open the door. drink the water. smell the chicken.

read a book.)

1、 presentation of the new words

t:i read a book. look at wu yifan.

he reads a book ,教师出示wu yifan在library读书的情景。 t : and where is wu yifan ,boys and girls?

let’s ask wu yifan together. “where are you, wu yifan?” 点击电脑回答:

library. library. i’m in the library.

read a story-book. i’m reading a story-book.学生学说认读library, read a book.

teach the other words by the same way.

garden t:what can you see?出示花园繁花生景。

(flowers.)t: do you know where john is?

学生学说认读garden, water the flowers.

canteen t: look, what is sarah eating? rice or noodles?

出示sarah在canteen吃面条的情景。now, boys and girls, do you know where she is? let’s ask her together.

“sarah. sarah. where are you?

where are you? ”cai:canteen.

canteen. i’m in the canteen.教师教授该词。

teacher’s office t: now, please look at the picture. what can you see in the picture?

出示amy在 teacher’s office交作业的画面。…t: where is amy?

playground 教师出示最后一幅**zhang peng在playground上踢足球。t: boys and girls , do you like sports?…

missing? 让学生看一段时间后,马上用电脑隐去某副**,此时该处是空白,让学生来猜:what is it?

2、 presentation of the new sentence: it’ on the first floor.

借助教学楼图呈现where is the canteen? it’ on the first floor. 学生学说认读句子:

it’ on the first floor.然后教师用电脑调调整位置来练习其他单词及该句型。

1. 眼疾手快教师用口型说一个单词,让学生迅速地拿起相应的单词卡片,并用英语说出来。(每个活动可结合竞赛,小组竞赛,累计得分,评出最佳小组,可给以适当奖励。)

2. 火眼金睛出示学校挂图,看一定时间,隐去某副**如:canteen此时该处是空白,t:

what’s this? where is the canteen? it’ on the first floor.

调整library, teacher’s office的位置,把他们放在一楼,采用同样的方法问。

3. let’s do.

a. listen to the tape and ask students to point out the pictures.学生听录音,并指出相应的图画。

b. listen again and do .让学生做出相应的动作。

4. 心有灵犀 6人小组练习,1人做动作,其他人猜,他在那儿干什麽,让每一组派一个人上台来表演,在规定时间内,猜出几个加几分。然后评出优胜小组,给予奖励。

5. 学唱歌曲“our school”

1. 做本单元相关部分得活动手册。

2. 课外让学生制作自己学校的平面图,给各活动场所标上相应的英语,学生间运用所学词汇,句型相互介绍自己的学校。

3. sing the song “our school” for parents.


unit1 our school 重点短语句型汇总。四会单词 computer 计算机 board 板,黑板 fan 风扇 light 灯 teacher s desk 办公桌 picture 图画 wall 墙 floor 地板。三会词语 playground 操场 garden 花园 teach...

导学案Unit1Ourschool 一课时

课型 展示设计 班级 姓名 学习目标。1 能够简单介绍学校校舍分布情况,如 this is the teacher s office that is my classroom 2 能简单说出每个课室的不同功能,如 go to the library read a story book 学习重难点。让...


教学内容和分析。教学内容 a let s learn let s do let s sing 教学目标 1 能简单的描述自己的学校。eg this is our school.it s so bigthere are playground,garden 2 能够询问某地方的位置,并做出相应的回答。e...