
发布 2023-09-12 16:35:54 阅读 2528

unit 6 i’m going to study computer science

第一课时section a(1a ~2c)

学习目标】1.学会谈论将来发生的事件---学习be going to 结构的用法。

2.掌握与be going to 结构连用的时间状语。

学习重难点】学习be going to结构的构成及用法。



**微**学习 be going to +动词原形结构。

新课导入。learn the names of jobs



activity 1b

conversation 1

boy: tina, what do you want to be when youup?

tina: hmm, i think i want to be a

boy: wow! soundshow are youto do that?

tina: i’m going to study

conversation 2

girl: larry, what do you want to be when you grow up?

larry: i loveso i want to be a

girl: how are you going to do that?

larry: i’m going toevery day.

conversation 3

boy: what do you want to be when you grow up?

girl: i want to be

boy: i see...but how are you going to do that?

girl: i’m going to studyreally

conversation 4

tina: what do you want to be when you grow up?

boy: i want to be anbecause i want a job that’s

tina: cool! how are you going to do that?

boy: i’m going to take

activity 2a

girl: what do you want to be when you grow up, cheng han?

cheng han: i want to be a

girl: are you going toto

cheng han: no, i’m going to move to

girl: and how are you going toa teacher?

cheng han: well, i’m going to learn how to

girlare you going to

cheng han: i’m going to finishandfirst.

answer questions

is cheng han going to be?

is cheng han going to move?

is cheng han going to do?

is cheng han going to start?


1) 系统工程师(systems engineer7) 医师助理(physician assistant)

2) 大学教授 (college professor8) **从业人员(nurse practitioner)

3) 信息技术项目经理(information technology project manager)

4) 有执照的的会计师certified public accountant9) 理疗师(physical therapist)

5) 计算机,网络安全顾问computer/network security consultant);

6) 情报分析专家(intelligence analyst10) 销售主管(sales director)

pairwork talk about your future intentions.

a: what do you want to be when you grow up? b: i want to be…

a: how are you going to do thatb: i’m going to …

a: where are you going to workb: i’m going to …

a: when are you going to startb: i’m going to…

do a survey

personal information


be good at



ideal job

ideal workplace


time to start


1.--what’s your brother going to___when he___up? -a soldier.

a. do; grow b h**e ; grows c. be ; grows d . play ; grow

2. her father is anin a big factory. a. star b. engineer c. worker d. player

3. -are you going to be a pianist in the future ?-i’m going to practice playing the piano every day.

a. what b .when c. how d. why

4. there an art exhibition this sunday. a.

h**e b. is going to h**e c. is going to be d.

is going to hold

5 he is going to to new york with his parents. a. take b. move c. bring d. stay

ii. 句型转换。

1. he is going to take guitar lessons every day(改为一般疑问句)

he going toguitar lessons every day ?

2. mom is going to do some shopping this afternoon(对划线部分提问)

is mom going tothis afternoon?

3. i want to be a pilot when i grow up.(改为同义句)


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