
发布 2023-09-12 16:35:54 阅读 7955

课题:unit 8 why don’t you get her a scarf?

section a (1a-2c)






5. 太贵了6.没什么意思。


task 1: 预习反馈:检查交流预习情况。

task2: 1)知识引入及呈现。


task3根据听力内容, 两人一组对话。

task 4 仔细听录音2a,2b,完成2a,2b中的任务。


1.enough 意为“充足的/地,足够的/地”


eg.: that’s not那没什么创意。


do you h**e你的时间够用吗?

2. why don’t you buy a scarf? 为什么你不买一条围巾呢?

why don’t you …?意思是“你为什么不……呢?”

用于表示建议,相当于why not…?

eg. why don’t you get a cameraa camera?

3. how about a scarf? 一条围巾怎么样?

how about…? 怎么样?后跟名词或动词的ing形式,用于征求意见或提建议。相当于what about…?

eg. how about a scarf? =what about a scarf?

how aboutgo) camping?



1. 询问对方意见的句型。

eg.: what should i get my dad for his birthday? (should表示请求、征询对方意见)


1) 你应该/可以…

2) 为什么不…?

3) …怎么样?


3. 请讨论对以上句型的几种回答方式。



展示】task 6.情景模拟练习。


a: it’s my sister’s birthday next week. what should i get her?

b: why don’t you get her a sweater?

a: no, that’s not interesting enough.

b:well, how about a photo album?

a:yeah, she’ll like that.


a. 选择填空。

)1.--how about going shopping tonight

you. mind. idea. at all.

)2. what should i get my mother __her birthday ?

a. forb. toc. atd. by

)3.--shall i help you move the desk to the corner?

i can do it myself.

at course. mind.

)4go to ask your companies for help?

a. why not you b. why don’t c. why don’t you d. why not to

) exercise isyou can finish it by yourself.

a. easy enough b. enough easy c. difficult enough d. enough difficult

b. 根据我们今天所学的知识在空格处填上适当的词汇吧。

it’s my friend’s birthday tomorrow. i want to __him a gift, but i h**e no idea. tony said, “why __you give him a pen?

” mary said, “why __give him a cd?” sally said, “what __a book? ”jack said, “how abouta scarf?

” john said, “would you likea dictionary for him ?”



1)why don’t you /we do sth.? why don't you / we go for a walk?

2) why not do sthwhy not go for a walk?

3) shall we /i do sthshall we go for a walk?

4) let’s do sthlet’s go for a walk.

5) you’d better (not)do sth. you’d better go for a walk.

6) could/would/will you please do sth.?

could/would/will you please go for a walk?

7) would you like to do sthwould you like to go for a walk?

8) it’s best/better to do sthit’s best/better to go for a walk.

9) how/what about doing sthhow/what about going for a walk?

10)what do you think of doing sth.? what do you think of going for a walk?

11)how do you like doing sthhow do you like going for a walk?

12)would you mind doing sthwould you mind going for a walk?

肯定回答:good idea! great! cool! all right! ok! yes, i think so.

yes, i agree. certainly. of course. i’d love to.

否定回答:i don’t think so. i don’t agree. i’m afraid not. sorry, i h**e to…

i’d love to, but… no, let’s … no, thanks.


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