
发布 2023-09-12 16:35:53 阅读 3040






space museum, water park, amusement park, aquarium, zoo.







step 1 warm-up

show some pictures to tell something about my tr**eling.

step 2. ①show some pictures and teach the following words: amusement park, space museum, aquarium, zoo, water park.

practise the drills in pairs.

divide the class into4 groups and h**e a competition.)

h**e you ever been to ……

yes,i h**e.

no, i h**en’t

step 3 (part 1a)

which of these places would you like to visit? rank them from 1 to 5.

ask a student to mark the words from 1 to 5.

check the answer together.

ss repeat after the teacher.

step 4 listening practice

listen. h**e these students ever been to these places?

check (√the boxes.

(part1b)1. ss listen to the tape twice and do the exercises.

2. check the answer.

step5. (practice in pairs)

1. ss look at the pictures below and role play the conversation .

、a: h**e you ever been to a/an ..

b: yes, i h**e. i went to ..last week.

、a: h**e you ever been to a/an ..

b: no, i h**en't./ i h**e never been to a/an ..

a: me neither. /neither h**e i.

some pairs to act out the dialogue in front of the class.

step6 .summary

some difficult points .

2. ss repeat after the teacher twice.

step7. homework :

the dialogue.

a: h**e you ever been to…?

b: yes, i h**e./ no, i h**en’t.

2. take out your exercise book. turn to page 87 and finish the exercise .

step8. 板书设计。

unit 9 h**e you ever been to an amusement park?

section a)

amusement park space museum history museum

aquariumzoowater park

h**e you ever been to an aquarium?

—yes, i h**e.

no, i h**en’t.


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